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Added: January 11, 2005
Article rating: 3.06 (of 5) - 157 votes

Top 7 Reasons Most Advertising Campaigns Fail

In today's fast-paced world, consumers are assaulted everyday with thousands of ads. Can you remember an ad that actually stopped you, got your attention and was committed to your long-term memory so you could take action? If you're like most consumers, not much sticks. Why do some ads penetrate our mental filters and why do most not? Looking at the top 7 reasons campaigns fail can lead us to some solid answers about making them more effective. ... full article
Added: October 5, 2004
Article rating: 3.22 (of 5) - 344 votes

Real Estate Advertising 101 - Choosing The Right Medium

Your choice of media depends on why you are advertising. Simple logic will guide you in many cases, but read through the following information to expand your knowledge on the strengths and weaknesses of the various media. Media selection and placement is the full-time occupation of many people in large companies and advertising agencies. If you're embarking on an extensive advertising campaign, you might consider consulting a media placement expert. ... full article
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