Those poor souls have to crank out 20 or so Yellow Page ads a day!
How much time can they spend on your Yellow Page ad design? More
importantly, how much could they possibly know about your business
other than its category? YOU must take charge! Prospects don't call
categories; they don't even call businesses; they call solutions.
Successful Yellow Page ads are ones that uniquely and believably speak
to prospects' needs. Avoiding the following 8 crucial DONT'S will help
ensure that your Yellow Page ad is the one readers' call.
1. Your Business Name Is Still Your Yellow Page Ad Headline. Stop it Already!
100 years, you'd think Yellow Page advertisers would've gotten it by
now. But take a gander in your directory and sure enough, the majority
of advertisers STILL use their business name as their Yellow Page ad
headline. Look, your prospect has a problem. The solution to their
problem is nowhere to be found in your name, your logo or even your
photo. Prospects really don't care about who you are! They only want to
know who can best solve their problem. Place your name and logo near
the bottom of your Yellow Page ad design, along with your other contact
information. That's where they belong, so place them there!
2. Hey, I've got a Hole at the Top of My Yellow Page Ad Design!
moved your business name down below, EXCELLENT! In its place, you must
now develop and insert the most powerful headline you can muster. Run
it at the very top of your Yellow Page ad design. Run it BIG and run it
BOLD. If your headline is pretty good, your prospect may want to
continue reading. If it's REALLY good, they won't have much choice.
That's the mark of a truly great headline. It promises a unique benefit
that sets you apart from all the rest in a meaningful way. It tells
prospects... this business cares about me, they understand my
dilemma... THIS is the company I should call!
To create your
headline, block out the entire world and imagine that YOU are the
prospect facing the problem. What are your feelings? What's most
important to you at this moment in need? Only when you're able to tap
into your prospects' inner thoughts and feelings, will you be able to
craft an effective headline that truly resonates with your target
audience. If you spend 10 hours on your Yellow Page ad design, devote 6
hours to your headline. Trust me, it will be well worth your time.
3. You've Got Such A Colorful Yellow Page Ad, It's Going To Just Fly Off The Page!
true that a colorful ad MAY attract more attention than a single color
ad BUT that doesn't necessarily mean it will get "more phone calls".
The only thing a brightly colored Yellow Page ad will do for sure is
create an incredibly loud sucking sound near your wallet. Color doesn't
persuade prospects to call you; the MESSAGE in your Yellow Page ad
persuades prospects to call. If you're determined to maximize your ROI,
forget about color! Instead, concentrate on your MESSAGE and the
overall effectiveness of your Yellow Page ad design.
4. Your Yellow Page Ad Design Talks To Everyone, Now EVERYONE Will Call You... Right?
you speaking to everyone, trying to sell everything? Your competitors
have fallen into the same trap... they're shouting the same words and
images to EVERYONE. And in trying to sell to everyone, they end up
persuading no one. Don't compete with everyone else in your category!
Instead, carve a "unique place" in the market and reap massive market
Here's an example: Mr. Everybody is a plumber who, like
everyone, wants to attract as many customers as possible. He proudly
lists 35 different services in his Yellow Pages ad design. You name it,
he does it... from plugged sinks to total bathroom remodels. Now along
comes Mr. Waterheater. This wise plumber decided that he wanted to
attract "EVERY water heater replacement" prospect in his town, so he
designed a very compelling ad that does just that. It speaks ONLY to
the person whose water heater has just sprung a major leak. How did
these two plumbers fare? Unfortunately, Mr. Everybody's Yellow Page ad
didn't attract everybody because his ad (like all the others) spoke to
NO ONE powerfully. No one paid attention.
On the other hand,
Mr. Waterheater's tightly targeted Yellow Page ad connected powerfully
with his single target audience. Mr. Waterheater's prospects felt the
same way. In fact, he attracted so many water heater projects that he
can now afford to take out a second ad in the Plumbing heading. This
time around, he's decided to target "EVERY sewer replacement" prospect
in his town! Savvy Mr. Waterheater understands the awesome power of
prospect targeting.
When you tightly focus your Yellow Page ad
on your most desired customers, it will attract and persuade that
audience more successfully than ANY other ad in your heading. In other
words, you'll have eliminated the competition. Pretty cool, huh?
5. Body Copy? Nah, In The Yellow Pages All I Need Are Easy-To-Read Bullet Points!
Bullet points do a great job of listing features, but they generally do
not speak to clients felt needs and concerns - these aren't easily
bulleted items. But most customers are looking for a company that they
can 'feel' the best about calling and doing business with. If you want
to be that business, you'll need copy that addresses the prime concerns
of the prospect and that helps build confidence and trust.
no mistake; bullet points are good for outlining your services. BUT,
you also need persuasive copy that enhances and substantiates the
unique headline concept you spent so much time developing. Be concise,
speak clearly and explain how you're different from the rest. Use
descriptive words that have a little shock value, not the generic
(boring) copy used by all the others. Speak to your prospects in a
positive, friendly tone, as if they're standing right there in front of
you. And, toss out all that self-absorbed WE, WE, WE copy. Remember,
it's all about THEM! So make it... YOU, YOU, YOU!
6. I Run A Package Shipping Service... See All My Pretty Boxes?
your boxes are really nice. But hey, wait a minute! All the OTHER
shipping service ads have pretty boxes too. So much for setting
yourself apart from your competitors. NEVER use "expected" images in
your Yellow Pages ad. Obvious, generic images do not convey your
"unique" benefits to prospects. They only put you on the same playing
field as all the rest. The sole objective of your Yellow Page ad design
is to grab the reader's attention first, and to persuade them with a
powerful message so that they call you. You can't succeed by saying and
showing the same things as all the others. Don't feel bad, many Yellow
Page advertisers (and novice ad designers) make this same mistake! It's
no surprise that so many businesses complain of poor response rates
with their Yellow Pages advertising.
Think about it from your
prospects point of view. How will a pretty box differentiate you from
all the others? How will it convey your most unique benefits? How will
a box help motivate ANYONE to call you? You must choose "unexpected"
images that jar peoples' brain cells, set you apart from your
competitors AND convey your unique benefits. Some may disagree and
say... "But my pretty boxes tell people EXACTLY what my business is all
about!" That's unfortunate. If you own a package shipping service and
the most unique BENEFITS you have to offer are shipping boxes, you may
want to reconsider self-employment. Remember, your unexpected
photograph or artwork MUST
A.Be an arresting, eye-grabbing image that...
B.Reinforces your unique headline concept (benefit) and...
C.Differentiates your business from the others, in a powerful and meaningful way.
7. Call to Action? I Don't Need No Stinking' Call To Action!
a proven fact that more people will take action if you TELL them
exactly what to do. Tell them to call and be sure to include a darn
good reason. Say "Call right now for your FREE no-obligation analysis!"
And don't bury your call to action; place it right above your phone
number. Remember, prospects generally search the Yellow Pages because
they are looking to give someone their business - by calling them! Make
it easy for them to call you and give them a reason to call you, and
they'll call you. And isn't that the goal?
8. My Artist Cousin Said He Can Design My Yellow Pages Ad.
advertising is advertising that doesn't work. An ineffective design
will cost you far more in lost business than you'll ever be able to
save upfront. The Yellow Pages are a unique advertising medium and few
people know how to create effective ads for it. Shop around for a
specialist! Ask questions and get testimonials. Seek a genuine Yellow
Page ad design expert with a solid track record of results.
If an advertising professional also sells: Web site design, SEO
services, logo design, brochures, illustration and marketing manuals,
keep looking because they're not Yellow Page direct response
specialists. Sample their Yellow Page ads. Do they resemble the
impotent concoctions that your Yellow Page publisher provides for FREE?
If so, keep looking for a professional who adheres to the strategies
you've just read. Then you can sit back and relax... you'll be well on
your way to Yellow Pages advertising success.
Does your Yellow Page
ad design make your phones ring and competitors weep? Or, has it got
you crying the Yellow Pages advertising blues? Let me know...
Morana is president of MaxEffect Yellow Page Ad Design and has
specialized in print advertising design for over 3 decades. He has
developed advertising materials for Bausch & Lomb, Kodak, Time
Warner Communications, Xerox, USA Today and countless small businesses
throughout the world. For more tips and quick answers to your Yellow
Page ad design questions OR to request a free, no-obligation Yellow
Page ad design evaluation: Call toll-free 800-726-7006 or Visit: