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Added: May 22, 2007
Article rating: 4.14 (of 5) - 7 votes

Today's Real Estate Agent Job Description: Do You Have The Skill Set?

Every year many people think about starting a career in real estate sales. It looks enticing, the freedom to create your own schedule, to be in control of how much you earn, and to have your own business. The reality though is not a pretty picture, over one third of new real estate agents leave the business in their first three years. Why do so many leave? The biggest factor is that they haven't researched the real estate business to determine if they have the required skill set to be successful. Like any career there are some skills that can help set you on a path to success. ... full article
Added: March 5, 2007
Article rating: 4 (of 5) - 5 votes

So Now That Your Real Estate Deal Has Closed...WHAT'S NEXT?

I am sure that you already know the scenario. The momentum builds up, your paperwork is all in place after rushing for last minute signatures, etc., you overnight your package in and without you even having to be there, you are the proud owner of a new addition to your real estate portfolio. Now that the smoke clears and everyone goes home from the closing table, you may be left with the burning question... "Now What?" After all the adrenaline and getting to the closing table which takes a lot of patience, attentiveness, organization, etc., you may feel a bit of a let down. Not to worry! Amongst all the excitement of now being the proud parent of a new born project (at least new for your portfolio), you should not forget that there are still items and tasks that need your attention. ... full article
Added: March 5, 2007
Article rating: 3.83 (of 5) - 6 votes

Why Is My Real Estate Career On The Skids?

How do you feel about roller coasters? Do you get nauseous or do you feel the thrill, throw your hands in the air and yell with excitement? If you want to succeed in the real estate industry you must learn to love unexpected turns of events and a wild ride. The real estate market is in an up and down cycle just like the stock market. Currently, many agents fear a soft or slowed market but the market has simply adjusted, as it has in the past. Change is a part of life and in the business of real estate you can count on it. ... full article
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