Ethics in real estate must begin within the real estate industry. Agents have much work to do if they are to regain the trust of sellers and buyers. To improve the ethics in real estate is not easy. It requires agents to accept the irrefutable evidence that many of their systems hurt consumers. And that's what most agents won't do. ... full article
Added: January 19, 2007
Article rating: 3.71 (of 5) - 7 votes
Choose Your Real Estate Customers Well
Have you ever considered choosing your real estate customers? You should, because the choice you make affects both your attitude about life and as a result, your income. ... full article
Added: January 17, 2007
Article rating: 3.75 (of 5) - 4 votes
2007 Housing Trends: Part Three - What's Out
Last in a three part series, I'll share some interesting insight from various publications, experience, and trends in our local Chicagoland residential real estate market. ... full article
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