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Added: December 8, 2006
Article rating: 4.04 (of 5) - 23 votes

The Importance Of Listing Language

Mr. and Mrs. Buyer have just seen a listing photo of a house that's right up their alley. It seems to have the features they want, and it's within their price range. Now, continuing in the process, they read the details. They read what you've written to describe the house. ... full article
Added: December 5, 2006
Article rating: 3.5 (of 5) - 2 votes

Real Estate Agents: Niche Marketing Versus Farming

Ask yourself this question: "Before you were in real estate sales, how many of those flyers, newsletters, recipe cards, and even calendars that you received from an real estate agent your household went straight into your wastebasket?" Studies indicate that return on direct mail advertising is somewhere below two percent. ... full article
Added: November 27, 2006
Article rating: 3.75 (of 5) - 8 votes

How To Become A Successful Real Estate Developer

Real estate investment and development has never been a more popular pastime or career changing challenge; if you would like to learn seven secrets for consistently successful real estate investing through development or you would like to know how you can continue to profit from property even if the market takes a downward turn just read on. ... full article
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