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Added: October 10, 2006
Article rating: 3.67 (of 5) - 3 votes

Realtors: Avoiding Trouble

Very few home buyers are familiar enough with residential construction to even know what areas may be of concern when they move in. This is particularly true of first-time buyers. When they move in, and the problems occur... who is the first person they contact? Their real estate agent. They want to know why they weren't told this or that. And, they ask, isn't it the agent's responsibility to ensure that there are never any problems with the house, especially those that cost money to repair? Does this sound familiar? ... full article
Added: September 19, 2006
Article rating: 3 (of 5) - 7 votes

7 Tips to Real Estate Agent's Success: Tip #1 First and Foremost YOU are a Business

Real estate agents work for a broker, but are independent, commissioned sales people. This means that you are a small business and must run your practice as a business. Again, remember you are a small business owner. ... full article
Added: August 3, 2006
Article rating: n/a (of 5) - 0 votes

Be Famous, Host A Seminar!

Imagine hosting your own seminar. Whether you dream of hosting clients for the weekend, prospects for a few hours, or colleagues for a lunch-hour workshop, let's make this year the year you realise that dream! ... full article
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