In my younger years, I always heard "practice makes perfect". Persuaders who take the time to craft a well structured presentation find greater success than those who don't. A properly structured presentation includes the following: ... full article
Added: July 13, 2006
Article rating: 3.8 (of 5) - 5 votes
5 Reasons To Build A Real Estate Property Portfolio
I think you'll agree with me that real estate investment deserves a closer look when I tell you that according to many sources 90% of the world's richest people made their fortunes from property! ... full article
Added: July 13, 2006
Article rating: 3 (of 5) - 2 votes
Real Estate Marketing Tips - Using Testimonials
Genuine testimonials can add credibility to a real estate marketing program. When the testimonial comes from a known source, like a neighbor, that power increases tenfold. So how do you go about using testimonials? ... full article
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