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Added: June 26, 2006
Article rating: 3 (of 5) - 2 votes

How To Get Great Results In Real Estate By Knocking On Sellers' Doors

Are you mailing direct mail pieces to people in pre-foreclosure but no one is calling about your ad? You know how much you can help them if only they would call. Because you know how to make deals and get deep discounts from the bank. But all of that education is worthless if you don't have motivated sellers calling you. ... full article
Added: June 14, 2006
Article rating: 4.2 (of 5) - 49 votes

7 Tips To Real Estate Agents' Success

With over 2 million real estate agents, becoming a successful real estate agent takes more than just a license and a knowledge of current laws and regulations. The first year drop out range estimated to be from 40% to 80% demonstrates that many real estate agents are not as successful as they could be and research suggests that 90% give up after 3 years. The following 7 tips may help you avoid becoming one of these statistics. ... full article
Added: June 14, 2006
Article rating: 4 (of 5) - 6 votes

Negotiating Your First Deal

In any type of business one must always be ready to deal with other people. It can be as simple as explaining the situation. For example, someone offered a house for sale at $40,000 and the other party explained: "I'm sorry, the only houses I buy are purchased at wholesale". "Oh," said the seller almost instantly. "Then you can have it for only $27,900". That sounds incredible, doesn't it? ... full article
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