New agent or real estate veteran? You've got a TON to learn, two TONS of information at your disposal, and you are feeling a little confused about which steps will bring you PROFIT and productivity. In a slump? It's time to embrace the new way to produce money.
The old paradigm is to increase productivity to drive profit. Today's model is just the opposite. It's time to learn how to run your business like a business, and show a real profit for the investment of your time and earnings.
Here is a blueprint to kick start your career in real estate, or infuse a few new ideas if you are experiencing a slump or would just like to have more money left at the end of each transaction.
A good place to begin:
Begin by laying out your week spreadsheet to plug in the activities that are necessary to produce moneymaking activities that are viable in the next 21 days. The only way you will insure doing the activity is if it is actually SCHEDULED. Remember to schedule prospecting time, calling, private time, and time off. The power is in executing your plan and staying on target. Real estate offers many opportunities to be busy and work.and not necessarily in the profit zone… So here we go:
Step #1 - Identify an area you would like to specialize in and brand yourself to. It can be a geographical area of homes where you live, or a group of people (new buyers, seniors, VA/FHA-Government waterfront properties, commercial, etc.) Choose a group with a minimum of 250 people so you can bulk mail and will have enough of a group to expect turnover or activity.
Step #2 - Do your homework and KNOW your farm area(s) COLD. Study what properties have sold, for how much and their respective locations. Check out by driving through the area to see if there are any homes for sale by owners. Check the tax records for recent private sales that went through without the MLS. Take a few photos of the neighborhood entrance to include in your buyer book prepared for prospective buyers coming in to the area. Include photos of the park, nearby schools, shopping, churches, etc. Put together the floor plans of the homes in your area when possible. Check out all properties listed in your farm and adjacent areas to become familiar with the pricing, condition, market time, etc. Make a few preview appointments for properties listed with other real estate companies or by owners in the area. Don't miss recent expired properties either. Call and see if the homeowner is still interested in selling and ask permission to preview in the event that you have an interested party.
Step #3 - Produce a 1-page newsletter branding your own name with your company to begin branding you. If you don't have your own stationery use your company letterhead with a unique selling proposition like your own logo, slogan and your photo. Show all the active, pending and recently sold properties in the area. Incorporate the SAME STYLE/COLORS etc. every time you mail, and mail regularly to immediately build branding and identification Incorporate a short note that is friendly and to the point. State that you specialize in the area and listed are the latest updates for information. Let the prospect know the particular models if available. Don't put the sold price down until the property has actually sold. BE SURE TO PLUG IN AN URGENCY note like: "We'll sell your property FAST and for MORE MONEY"
And "GET MORE INFO…No Hassles…No Obligation!
Step # 4 - Use Technology Tools for 24-hour service and information. Get software like SOAR eMLS, or an MLS automatic search and match system to update the "not quite ready to buy or sell prospect. Incorporate the services of an interactive voice response system like Proquest to maximize your prospecting. Include the IVR phone numbers on all brochures, ads and direct mail. It will take an automated system to deliver information on demand with the newly empowered Internet consumer.
Step #5 - Invite traffic to your website. Incorporate your website address with email on all marketing materials to drive traffic to your site. Be sure there is something for the prospect when they get there. Offer, community information, school reports, etc. Be sure the information is refreshed and updated. Be consistent and deliver or send mail, etc. every 10-15 days depending on the speed of your market. Everyone is always interested in property values…but generally in their area or neighborhood Stop offering a "FREE Market Analysis" and begin giving value to your services by offering private property consultations with no obligations. If your business is real estate, the name of the game is listings, yours and others. Be smart about framing in sites that offer a full spectrum of web portals featuring homes for sale.
Step #6 - Get a website that has a back end work station to help you prospect electronically.
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Step #7 - Set up an open house in the area. If you don't have your own listing, offer to sit property for an agent in your office or a by owner in the area. Pass out invitations to each home within the prospective home. Introduce yourself to the neighborhood, and create a distinction in who you are and your services by developing a "USA*". It is not necessary to run a 3 or 4 hour open. Think about running several open houses for an hour or less to maximize exposure on a given day. Use plenty of signing, and be sure the open house is advertised prior to the event.
Step #8 - Develop a *"Unique Selling Advantage"(USA) to identify you and not just someone else in your company. Identify yourself with your own specialized flags, open house signs with your photo or a team logo. Follow up with thank you notes with the same branding identification and with a report on the great comments visitors gave to the neighborhood. Advertise the open house and include the small ad in the invitations to neighbors. This lets the neighbors know you have invested money in advertising the open house. Run the opens on a regular basis until you BRAND yourself as the area specialist. Make sure your photo or logo (USA) is EVERYWHERE when possible, open house signs, flyers, brochures, for sale signs, balloons, etc.
Step #9 - Call that neighborhood and ask if they know of anyone that wants to be their neighbor. If they don't, ask if they are planning to move in the near future. Then offer the services of your MLS system to update them on their own neighborhood activity. Another script is to ask them what they like about their neighborhood specifically, as you will be including this information in a new neighborhood report you will have available on your website and in the buyer package you prepare for each new buyer coming into the area. Ask their permission to use their positive comments on your website. Ask if they are interested in a photo of the family with that testimonial for upcoming ads or flyers for the area to be used in your next newsletter or buyer book.
Step #10 - Ask during your calls if there is a need or a want for a neighborhood directory. This can be done in hard copy or put on the web for access, although a hard copy is a great tool to have. Check out samples of other directories that may have been produced in your area. Find sponsors to defray the costs of printing, like landscapers, painters, contractors, handyman, etc
Step #11 - See if the homeowners association is interested in a Neighborhood Newsletter - Use the same template every mailing. Offer to make it accessible on your website for downloading or offer to print it for the neighborhood. Get the cooperation of a local lender to help defray costs. Include local information, neighborhood activities, etc. special events, etc. and keep it current.
Step #12 - Develop a pre-listing packet of information that is geared towards your area. Include lots of photos or 1-pagers on recent homes with details. Take extra photos of area properties when touring other companies listings so you can be real accurate at a listing presentation when you present comparable information in your chosen area. Include information on the homeowners association, park schedules, and special seasonal events.
Step #13 - When listing a home in your targeted area, include a premium or gift when delivering the pre-listing package. See if you can use something that brands you or your area, like apples in Washington state, TastyKakes in Philly, cookies, jellybeans, etc. BRAND the gift with your personal logo, colors, etc. so the customer KNOWS it is from you and not your company.
Step#14 - Develop a quarterly or semi-annual benefit for the area. Establish a "Coats for the Cold", "Toys for Tots" - Food Pantry Drive. Use your newsletter and calling campaign to make the neighborhood aware of the charity program you are spearheading.
Step #15 - Do a 5-a-day plan. Call 5 contacts daily 5 days a week. Use your own database first, and then shift to a top producer's past client list (get permission, of course). Make the script short and to the point. Introduce yourself, the team, update their personal information, and tell them about a particular drive/charity/event. Ask, ask, ask. Are they moving, do they know of a family that might want to be in the neighborhood, is there a problem in the neighborhood they might like to get help with (stop lights, park lighting, etc.) Collect personal information like birthdays, interests, and pet info for future data mining resources. At the end of the year, depending on the size of your database, you will have contacted every person at least twice.
Step #16 - Don't miss weekly TOUR or CARAVAN of homes in your AREA. In order to build your knowledge base, you want to become familiar with each property in the area, so you can truly be the Neighborhood Specialist. As you build listings and sales in the area, you can honestly CLAIM the specialization. Knowledge is power.
Step #17 - Be proactive - Any opportunity to promote yourself in an area with BRANDING to you and not the company is advantageous - Sponsor the whole Little League or Soccer Team and have T-Shirts with your logo/brand and the Company name. Run the concession stand - Sponsor a victory party/picnic event. Print the local team schedule with your photo/logo and pass it out at the games, and make it available at the concession stand. BE SURE YOUR EMAIL AND WEB ADDRESS IS ON EVERYTHING. Have a link to the league information on your website. Be seen, get known.
Step #18 - Set up an annual calendar of events for your farm. Spring cleanup competition, summer block party, Fall Tea, Holiday Cookie Exchange, Charity Drive, Garage Sale Extravaganza. Offer to include the info in your ads, newsletters. Supply the signs for the Garage Sales, etc. Other successful events by top producers include renting an ice-cream truck in the summer and giving away free ice cream.
Step #19 - Be smart about using Agent Productivity Software to keep track of your database. Take advantage of the system's letter writing information and implement the different letters. Use Agent Productivity Software like TopProducer® or Online Agent ® which includes full for sale by owner letters, expired programs, etc.
Step #20 - Work Expired listings with a new twist. Go back 2-3 years in your MLS and pull expired listings. Cross check that they are not currently listed or just recently sold. Call and ask if the owner is considering listing again or if it has been sold. Get info…get leads.
Step #21- Implement the 7-day follow up after a closing. Even if the buyer or seller was the other agent's in your transaction, follow up with a call and ask how everything is in the property. This is the opportunity for the new homeowner to tell you if there are any problems, and your opportunity to help by sending over a handyman for 2 free hours, etc. The new owner will be impressed that you did follow up, and you get another chance to service the client or customer, even if they are not directly yours. As the new neighbors introduce themselves tell them you are always looking to service the real estate needs of the neighborhood and to contact you if someone is interested in moving.
Step #22 - Consider doing direct mail when other agencies are not. Avoid the rush at traditional holidays. Stand out and do Christmas in July, Ground Hog Day. Mail 10 months out of the year skipping the heavy year-end holiday time, and the low activity during the vacation time in the summer. Only use annual calendars if they brand or your specific group, as many businesses besides real estate send out calendars, an expensive item to buy, personalize and mail.
Step #23 -Hire an Assistant. By this time, you will have spent quality time listing, selling negotiating and prospecting. Consider hiring a part time person to handle those activities that are important, but not direct moneymaking, business activities. Even 10 hours a week to follow up on feedback, print or deliver letters, etc. can help free you up for personal time for yourself or with family. Be sure to schedule your time off to recharge your batteries and re-focus your attention on your real live a great life and maximize your time and efforts.
Step #24 - Get a personal coach - Jump start the process by finding a personal coach that fits your budget, needs and goals. Some coaches offer full implementation systems with regular accountability. Others offer motivation and accountability.
Step #25 - Develop a wealth building plan: Invest every year or 2 years in real estate investment - take 35% off the top of each check and put it away for taxes and savings Develop a budget you can live on and start building a wealth plan to create true financial independence.