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Added: March 14, 2006
Article rating: 4.22 (of 5) - 9 votes

My 7 Most Important Business Lessons

Millions of people start new small businesses in the United States every day. Many fail at running a small business every day. What causes one business owner to succeed where another fails? There are seven key areas to focus your efforts for a successful small business. It starts with knowing oneself and ends with not being afraid to ask for help. ... full article
Added: February 5, 2005
Article rating: 3.35 (of 5) - 172 votes

Creating a Dynamic Listing Presentation

The listing presentation is one of the most misunderstood areas of real estate sales. There are as many theories about this presentation as there are licensed agents in North America. Although the listing presentation has changed and has been altered dramatically in the last five to ten years, an efficient and professional presentation will enable the agent to control his clients properly. What are the elements of an efficient, professional listing presentation? ... full article
Added: January 21, 2005
Article rating: 3.76 (of 5) - 344 votes

Five Disciplines to Guaranteed Annual Increases

Real Estate sales are changing and growing at an alarming rate. Even with all the mergers, sales, and consolidations of the industry, there is one constant. The agents who learn to be better business and sales people will be more successful in this industry. Real Estate Agents who learn the five disciplines of increasing production will have a thriving business. ... full article
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