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Added: January 18, 2005
Article rating: 3.09 (of 5) - 143 votes

Seven Principles to Successful Real Estate Goal Setting

Your ability to plan, set goals, and create action plans to accomplish your goals is the mark of someone who is truly successful. This skill to set goals is a life-long endeavor. It is a habit that must be cultivated daily for a lifetime. This single activity will have the greatest impact on your life over any other achievement skill.To be disciplined in setting goals is to sit down with paper and pen and make a list of things you want to acquire, attract or accomplish in the next several years. Earl Nightingale said, "The problem with people is not achieving the goals we set, it is actually the process of setting them in the first place." We are all goal seeking organisms. Your subconscious mind will work on the goal you give it until it is accomplished. You must only set this vast powerful computer in motion by setting the goal. ... full article
Added: January 18, 2005
Article rating: 3.23 (of 5) - 160 votes

Four Rules of Real Estate

Recently I was reflecting on what it took to be successful in real estate and life. My mind recalled a movie from the early 1980's called Buckaroo Bonzai. One of the characters in the movie had a saying that caught on in my circle of friends at the time. The saying was "where ever you go…there you are." Now it was a cute little saying at the time, but the truth is most of us have to struggle to live it.
How many times have we gone to show a property, list a home, go to work, spend time with our family, and we weren't really there? "Where ever you go…there you are." But are we really there? We are certainly there in physical body, but are we mentally there?
Let me share with you the four rules of real estate. ... full article
Added: January 18, 2005
Article rating: 3.13 (of 5) - 164 votes

27 Tips For An Effective Presentation

So you're not a professional speaker. That's no excuse for NOT giving a professional presentation.You have a great product or service! You've put together an awesome presentation with great content!
You really know your stuff! You're an expert! None of this matters if you don't have public speaking skills. If you don't speak like a pro, you won't get the results you want. ... full article
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