Given the explosive growth of the real estate market creating a highly competitive marketplace, achieving sustainable success is not easy for today's real estate agents. One of the potential solutions in overcoming the obstacles such as competition, marketing or revenue is to find a mentor and possibly even hire a real estate coach.
Real estate coaches are a direct result of the real estate market. These individuals specialize in helping small business owners who are in the real estate industry meet and exceed their performance goals. Given that some executive coaches specialize in business performance improvement, their understanding of the variety of issues that small business owners face regardless of industry allows them to work with real estate agents.
Regardless of the type of coach, the real challenge is to find a coach who understands:
- How to achieve sustainable performance improvement
- How processes and tools must be in alignment with the strategic plan
- How to define the desired results
When a coach understands how to leverage your K.A.S.H. Box for Sustainable Change to create even more cash, then you have indeed found the right coach. Each individual has Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Habits. Unfortunately, many individuals and even organizations focus their energies on obtaining more knowledge and skills while they fail to address the necessary supporting attitudes and habits. The question for any real estate agent is to ask regarding their success is not "Do I know how to do it?" but "Do I want to do it?" The desire or the want to will always exceed the knowing because if I want to, then I will do what I need to do. However, if I don't want to, then I won't do want I need to do.
Everything must work together from the processes and the tools to even the skills and attitudes. Alignment helps to create balance and keep performance improvement on track.
Stephen Covey is cited as the source for "Begin with the end in mind." This is not a new concept as Plato, Socrates and Aristotle all understood that you need to have a specific destination in mind before starting any endeavor. An effective (doing the right thing) coach will help you, the real estate agent, define the desired results using measurements (numbers). Then, working together, a plan of action will be constructed and executed by you the agent with the coach monitoring your progress.
Coaches can greatly improve the success of real estate agents provided the real estate agent is truly committed to making the changes necessary for success. Remember the words of Peter Drucker: Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes…but no plans.
Leanne Hoagland-Smith quickly doubles results for her clients from individuals (small businesses owners, entrepreneurs and young people) to large organizations by creating executable strategic action plans along with the necessary business skills to pull it off. By closing the gap between today's unsatisfactory performance to tomorrow's goals, limited resources are maximized with waste including time being reduced. Please feel free to contact Leanne at 219.759.5601 or visit and explore how she can help you.