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Added: May 8, 2008
Article rating: 2.8 (of 5) - 5 votes

Understanding Blogging Real Estate Marketing

The common perception in real estate marketing is that it needs to be hands on regarding everything that goes into it. Right now the market is in sort of slide so the common thinking is everybody has to double time everybody has to do more time working and have to double time on everything. So they try to come up with different takes, different methods on how to attract potential home buyers, let it be known that the internet is your friend. It is a great tool for marketing and formulating strategies. To emphasize on things there's websites in which investors and companies have build to better serve their buyers. ... full article
Added: May 1, 2008
Article rating: 3.5 (of 5) - 4 votes

Real Estate Blogging Methods to Avoid

Blogging has been considered to be one of the best weapons a real estate professional has today, especially when selling homes or property in a down market like today. Although each blogger's methods and techniques may differ, there will always be some form of disagreement among real estate bloggers as to what the mix of content should be placed or written, or should you simply stick to writing purely real estate content. The argument generally hinges around the premise that the blogger will be more successful in generating business if they can catch the home buyer and seller when they're actually wanting to buy or sell real estate. ... full article
Added: April 16, 2008
Article rating: 3.33 (of 5) - 3 votes

Getting Into Real Estate For The Long Haul

When considering a future in real estate, start by asking yourself why. If you are dazzled by the easy hours and fat commissions you are not alone. Many people have attended class, passed the test and joined up with a broker in hopes of closing two or three deals per year, working part time, to make some extra money. Someone forgot to tell them that the hours are not easy when you are taking calls at all hours of the day and you have to be flexible and coordinate your hours with the buyers, sellers, title companies, home inspectors, meetings, etc. Those commission checks are not all that fat, either, once you take out your desk fees, supplies, dues, classes, and consider how much gas and time you spent driving around looking at houses. But don't be discouraged. Real estate can be enjoyable and rewarding if your expectations are realistic and you are prepared for challenges. ... full article
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