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Added: July 13, 2006
Article rating: 3 (of 5) - 22 votes

Business Dress Code - What To Wear While Prospecting

[ by Joshua Feinberg ]
Business dress codes can be tricky to navigate as a consultant. You are going into other people's businesses so your personal business dress code has to appeal to a wide range of clients. This is also true when you are prospecting for future clients.

The business dress code that you use when prospecting will depend on the event. You always want to dress to be your best but you also have to know your audience. The first time you attend an event or meeting it is best to wear a sport jacket and tie. This type of business dress code is very middle of the road. Not too conservative but not too casual.

Business Dress Code and Marketing

A very good choice, especially for people who hate getting dressed-up, is to use your clothes to advertise. When you are in a situation where business casual is appropraite, do some branding and marketing through your attire.

  • Wear a polo shirt with your logo on it
  • Have your logo put on a sweater
  • For sporting events, wear a logoed ball hat
  • At the very least wear a name tag that has your name and logo on it

This is a great way to incorporate a business dress code that is not only professional but productive as well. Don't feel like you have to be the snazziest dresser but use your business dress code to send a marketing message and convey your professionalism.

The Bottom Line On Your Business Dress Code

Incorporating a business dress code that is not too formal and not too causal is often the best bet. This type of business dress code allows you to appeal to the maximum amount of people and it allows you to feel comfortable within a mixed crowd.

These will both help boost your confidence and prospecting success. Adding logoed attire to your business dress code is a highly effective way to get your company name out to people while maintaining your professionalism.

Joshua Feinberg helps computer consultants get more steady, high-paying clients. Learn how you can too. Sign-up now for Joshua's free Computer Consultants Secrets audio training.

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Current rating: 3.00 (of 5) - 22 votes
  • Carolyn Gregory August 11, 2006
    I believe in everything the Dress code article states. My husband is the principal broker for Re/Max on Track in Memphis,TN. and blue jeans, shorts,and beach casual is not the proper attire for agents. We pay for the Re/Max branding and we should be proud to support our company. We wear our logo shirts and badges everywhere. I love your articles and I just started receiving the magazine. Thanks, Carolyn Gregory
  • Judd August 7, 2006
    I agree with your dress code. I see so many REALTORS today that look like they are unemployed looking for work at a junk yard.
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