Myth 2: I Can't Afford To Buy Property Now. I'll Wait Until My House Is Paid For, Then I'll Look Into It.
Fact: Your house has equity in it already. You can use that equity as a down payment on an investment property and realize a positive cash flow from the rent.
Myth 3: The Real Estate Bubble Will Burst And I'll Be Left Holding An Empty Balloon.
Fact: It is possible that interest rates will rise causing fair market values to lower, but that isn't likely. The economy has been very stable. Rent rates have been predictably low in most markets. As markets correct themselves there will be some areas that rent inflation will occur and can only mean more money in your pocket. The key is finding the right location for investing.
Myth 4: Interest Rates Must Rise And Keep Rising.
Fact: The Federal Reserve Board has been doing an excellent job in keeping inflation at so low an incline it is almost flat. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the recent spike in oil prices have caused a slight increase in rates, but the tide turned in the oil prices and inflation seems to be checked. Without going into complicated economics, the Federal Reserve has been keeping inflation clipped by tiny hikes in interest rates. The job market and labor force has maintained balance, therefore the slight increases are actually good for the economy and for investment security. Consumers are utilizing equity loans for their spending and huge spikes in interest rates would basically collapse the growing economy.
Myth 5: I Don't Have Any Extra Cash So A $0 Down Payment Loan Is The Best Route To Start My Real Estate Investment Career.
Fact: If you don't use any of your own money, your mortgage will be higher. $0 down means 100% of the loan equals 100% of the value. That kind of ratio means a negative cash flow. While negative cash flow is not a huge problem for someone who has available cash, negative cash flow for someone who lives from paycheck to paycheck is financial suicide.
Myth 6: A Fixer-Upper Is A Cheap Way To Riches.
Fact: A fixer-upper can put money in your pocket but there are so many pitfalls that you need to be very careful. Buying well below market value for a house that needs a new roof will only be profitable if you just put the new roof on. Thinking that you need to not only fix the roof but put in another $20,000 of refurbishing to make it perfect is not good strategy. The more money you pour into a fixer-upper, the less profit you'll realize when you sell it. Buying a fixer-upper, making it perfect all for under market value, then renting it is a better way to make money on that type of project.
Investment Property Coach Alex Anderson Connects Real Estate Investors With High-Quality Investment Properties. Get A Free Copy Of, "The Investor's Guide To Renting" at: