Would you be satisfied with almost closing a
sale or almost getting a promotion? Do your marketing materials urge
customers to almost contact you? Then why settle for the almost right
Your writing will be most effective if you select words
that express your ideas exactly. Strive for precision. Edit to ensure
that every word does necessary work and that you have chosen words for
their sound and feel as much as their meaning.
Improve your next newsletter, corporate report or promotional brochure by choosing words that are bright, brief and bold.
Be Bright
words with clear meaning. Don't say stentorian when you can say loud.
Don't say perspicacious when you can say keen. Use words to communicate
with your readers, not to impress or confound them.
Resist the
allure of corporate jargon, which is trendy and often confusing. A
colleague once thanked me for "flexing during our interface and taking
it offline". To this day I'm not sure what that means, but it made me
feel like a computer!
Edit your writing for corporate-speak like
competencies, achievables and value-add. Your reader will understand
skills, goals and benefits just fine, and your writing will be stronger
and more professional.
Be Brief
your circumstance requires a formal, academic writing style, choose the
shortest word that can do the work. Don't acquire when you can buy.
Don't investigate what you can check. Whenever possible, use your staff
instead of utilizing your personnel. Brevity keeps your writing fresh
and appealing to your reader.
How can you make your writing brief
but not under - written? Pay attention to the goal and context of your
writing. Consider your readers, your position relative to them, and
what you want to accomplish with your writing. Are you offering sales
training tips or a medical opinion? Are you writing a press release or
summarizing a clinical trial? Be brief within the context of your
Promotional writing, in particular, must be both brief and specific in order to motivate consumer action.
For example:
"Our sales training workshops are superior". - Brief but not specific. Tell me what makes them superior.
sales training workshops are innovative, relevant, interactive,
motivational, challenging, memorable, progressive, fun", etc. - Brief
and specific. Now I'm interested in your workshops.
Be Bold
boldly means never having to say you're "very". Instantly become a
better writer by treating "very" as a virus that weakens and sucks the
life out of your words.
Very interesting, very important,
very well-supported. Edit ruthlessly and replace every "very" with a
word that can stand on its own. Riveting, seminal, airtight... these
are words that your reader will feel and remember.
Precision is
habit-forming. As you choose your words more carefully you will become
more attuned to the nuances of language, and your writing will be clear
and powerful. Choose wisely and you will achieve more with less: less
words, less time and less demand on your reader.
Sally Bacchetta - Freelance Writer/Sales Trainer
Sally Bacchetta is an award-winning sales trainer and freelance writer.
She has published articles on a variety of topics, including selling
skills, motivation, marketing and pharmaceutical sales.You can contact her at sb14580@yahoo.com and read her latest articles on her website.