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Added: April 9, 2008
Article rating: 3.33 (of 5) - 3 votes

Important Tips To Boost Your Business

[ by Shazia Sameer ]
Most people believe that free classified sites can only be utilized for posting advertisements for an individual's personal needs. While this aspect is true to some extent, it is not the only purpose.These websites can cater an individual's personal and business needs alike. These websites can effectively be used to satisfy your business needs and to raise your business to the next higher level.

Following are some useful tips to identify a good classified website.

1. A good website should be user friendly, well organized, fun and easy to use.

2. As each individual's needs differ from other, a good website should provide proper structure to easily segregate similar subcategories and organize them in a way that is easy to locate and use without confusion.

3. A good website should not require its user to create a login to access the site. Typically, most users tend to leave the site that insists on doing so. The process of placing and retrieving ads should be streamlined with minimum or no hassle to the users.

4. For any sized business but especially for a small or medium size business, it is always best to look for a free classified website. Since you are not paying a dime for the service, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

5. It is always better to give priority to a new, well organized, free classified website rather than posting your ad in a highly populated website where your advertisement may scroll down to 7th or even 12th page in an hour. So, if you want the maximum exposure for your business advertisement then always remember to give priority to a new free classified website where your advertisement can stay visible for some time and earn maximum returns.

So next time when you post your business advertisements, please remember to apply the above mentioned tips and you can check the difference in the responses you receive for your ad.

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