While finding an office to work through may not be too difficult, as an agent, you might not have expected to have to pay for advertising and possibly desk space at your agency. Health Insurance? Maybe, but its likely you will be paying the full premium for a group policy. Will you have to sell some things to pay for this? You will have to set aside an emergency fund for the tough months when few or no sales come your way. Otherwise, you wont be able to pay your own bills.
Yes, you are aware that you are in a very competitive business. You have someone interested in buying a half-a-million-dollar home you showed them the previous week. They are ready to put the money down today. Unfortunately, when you check to make sure it is still on the market, you find out it was sold yesterday. The couple is disappointed and doesn't want to see anything else as they head to the door. You know someone else probably showed them their second choice and they are going there right now to make the offer.
You are here to serve the client. That's why you work weekends and evenings, whenever it is convenient for them. That's why you give your clients your home and cell phone number. Sometimes it feels as though you have no time to yourself.
Added to that, the real estate market swings with the economy. Everyone knows about buyer's markets and seller's markets. And of course, this means your income is dependant on the same economy that drives the real estate market.
If only there was a way to make some money during the down times - something you could do no matter where you are or what time of day it is.
Guess what - There is! It is called a home-based business. It is like having a safety net to catch you during those months when sufficient checks are nonexistent. The hours you work in a home-based business are completely flexible, so if a client calls wanting to go see a home, you can drop everything and go. There is no time clock to punch, no boss to answer to except yourself. You are in complete control.
While it is called home-based, you can take care of business no matter where you are. All you need is a computer with an Internet connection, and a phone. Instead of wasting an afternoon at an Open House, you can use that time to generate income.
The number of home-based businesses are growing rapidly. Knowing you can have a second source of income without the hassle of a boss, commuting, and a rigid schedule gives people the sense of security that no second job can.