Although there are dozens of ways to prospect and distribute your business cards, not all of the methods out there will be appropriate to your business or target market. Going with the wrong approach can turn prospective clients off to even the sleekest and most original business cards.
Unless you are starting up a telemarketing company, handing out your business card outside a movie theater or shopping mall or blanket mailing every house in a 20-block radius is probably not the most effective way to distribute your business card.
A more personalized approach will almost always be more effective. Here are a couple of ideas you might want to keep in mind:
- Get into the habit of introducing yourself with your business card. Handing out a card to the receptionist at the dentist's office or the manager at the hotel desk can prove to be useful resources in the future - especially if you made some type of impact on that person though prior conversation.
- Including your business card with almost all of your correspondence is another great way to get your business card out there. Enclosing a card when returning a movie or car rental can also be beneficial, as long as the business card is accompanied by a brief note or personalized with a coupon to make it useful to the recipient.
- Get involved in business networking groups and events that will give you access to like-minded entrepreneurs. Always keep in mind that one-on-one contact is the best situation in which to present a business card. And if you can't find the perfect moment to interrupt and hand that prospective client a card, simply ask him or her for their business card. The action will almost always be reciprocated.
In situations where business cards are being exchanged, it's important to keep in mind that how you treat that person's business card will go a long way in determining how your card is received.
You probably wouldn't be looking to strike up business with somebody who crammed your card into his pocket or her purse without even taking a second to glance it overlooking at it. Making sure to put business cards away carefully will go along way in ensuring your efforts won't be dashed.
Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved
Mark Knerr is a graphic designer specializing in company logo design and business card design services. He also offers professional, full color postcard, plastic cards and business card printing.