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Added: November 23, 2005
Article rating: 3.21 (of 5) - 179 votes

Customer Service – the Real Estate Revolution

Traditionally, real estate has been viewed as a sales industry. But perceptions are changing. Agents around the country are coming to believe that the key to real estate success is service – not sales.
Competition and technology now give customers almost unlimited choices, so agents are having to work harder and spend more to win listings. They're discovering that business success comes from repeat business and word-of-mouth.
And customer satsfaction is the key. ... full article
Added: November 6, 2005
Article rating: 3.15 (of 5) - 60 votes

The Top 10 Ways to Market Yourself without Turning People Off

1. Be really passionate about what you do.

If you're not excited, other people won't be either. When you're joyful about your work, hobby, etc., you're attractive to yourself. When you're attractive to yourself, you attract others. It's that simple.
2. Get over feeling you have to impress people.

Yes, you worked hard to know what you know and be where you are, but don't expect other people to appreciate that as much as you do. When you emphasize what you know or how far you've come, you run the risk of coming off as egotistical and patronizing. Worse yet, you can create such a distance between yourself and others that they'll write you off. Better to practice humility. On the other hand, when others know that you're a gold mine of talent or information about something and you hold back deliberately even when you've been asked to help, you can get the same unpleasant result. The key here is to place yourself in other people's shoes and find out what it is they care about. ... full article
Added: November 6, 2005
Article rating: 3.54 (of 5) - 61 votes

Bridging the Chasm from Lead to Loyal Customer: A Step by Step Guide for Developing Awareness, Building Credibility and Acquiring Customers

Have you ever watched a documentary about climbing Mount Everest? If so, you will undoubtedly remember one specific segment of the journey where the climbers cross a chasm, one carefully placed step after another, using aluminum ladders strung end to end. For me, just the thought of it is enough to cause an anxiety attack!

There is a similar chasm between your product or service and your potential customers, even if it is only in the potential customers mind. And for them, the thought of crossing that chasm is enough to cause a severe case of anxiety. ... full article
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