Direct mail marketing is a system of marketing that is directed at specific people. In direct marketing, the advertisement is directed to a specific individual. This is unlike marketing that is open ended such as a billboard or a television commercial. ... full article
Added: June 29, 2006
Article rating: 4.33 (of 5) - 3 votes
Direct Mail Strategies
Just in this week, I've received so many emails asking me to go into greater detail about the things I've been covering over the last few weeks in my Private Direct Mail Newsletter, that I've decided to do exactly that. ... full article
Added: June 26, 2006
Article rating: 3.8 (of 5) - 5 votes
Direct Mail Campaigns Do Not Need To Be Expensive
Direct mail campaigns don't have to be expensive. In fact, you can do it yourself and save tons of money. Here are a few tips ... full article
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