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Added: February 27, 2006
Article rating: 4.29 (of 5) - 21 votes

How Long Should Your Sales Letter Be?

Picture this. It's Monday morning and the weekly sales meeting has just gotten underway. After updating everyone on the overall sales numbers the boss says, "Now, I have a very important announcement to make. Management has determined that from this point on we want to limit every in-person sales call to no more than 15 minutes. We live in an age of short attention spans and if you can't close 'em in 15 minutes then you should find someone else to talk to." ... full article
Added: February 16, 2006
Article rating: 4 (of 5) - 8 votes

How To Get Your Prospect To Open Your Mail

You've carefully selected your list. You've labored long and hard over every word, sentence and paragraph. Your letter is a powerhouse of persuasion with every key element firmly in place, including compelling benefits, powerful testimonials, a superb P.S. and an impossible-to-resist offer.

But all your hard work, your hours of craftsmanship and painstaking attention to every little detail will go for naught, unless your prospect opens the envelope. ... full article
Added: February 16, 2006
Article rating: 3.75 (of 5) - 4 votes

Real Estate Marketing - How To Measure Your Direct Mail Success

Eugene Schwartz, author of Breakthrough Advertising, said it best: "There are no answers in direct mail except test answers. You don't know whether something will work until you test it. And you cannot predict test results based on past experience."

What he means is this. You can take something that has worked for another real estate marketer, apply it to your own audience, and have it flop. Or it could be a huge success. The only way to know for sure is to try it and test it. ... full article
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