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Added: January 4, 2006
Article rating: 4.17 (of 5) - 24 votes

The Sales Letter Plan: How To Create A Basic Roadmap To Success

A sales letter plan can make all the difference.

Outline your sales letter before you write and the writing is much easier. You'll stay on target and craft a stronger, more persuasive piece as a result of your plan. ... full article
Added: December 20, 2005
Article rating: 4.05 (of 5) - 21 votes

How to get prospects to open your direct mail envelopes

In direct mail, you have a formidable enemy - the wastepaper basket. Your prospects take one look at your mailing envelope and decide if they will open it or fling it into the trash can (or recycling box). One way to persuade them to open your envelope is to make your envelope irresistible. Here are a few ideas. ... full article
Added: December 20, 2005
Article rating: 3.65 (of 5) - 34 votes

Seven reasons to use direct mail for sales lead generation

1. Personal
Unlike an advertisement in a trade publication, which can be read by anyone, your sales letter arrives at your prospect's place of business as a piece of personal communication from your mind to his. Also, unlike any other medium, direct mail can be personalized (Dear Mr. Smith) and customized to each reader ("As an IT manager, you know that... "), showing your prospect that you know about him by name and understand his business in particular. ... full article
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