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Added: December 7, 2005
Article rating: 2.95 (of 5) - 41 votes

Direct Mail --- The Followup Letter

Everyone know the importance of the sales letter. Most everyone knows to put in a reply card for the convenience of the prospect. And just about everyone knows the importance of a brochure. But most business people forget the one piece of direct mail that can very often clinch a sale...the follow-up letter. ... full article
Added: November 6, 2005
Article rating: 3.29 (of 5) - 90 votes

Making Direct Mail Work for Small Businesses

If you own a small business, then you know the value of affordable and effective marketing. Unfortunately, many traditional and online advertising methods are becoming quite expensive. This article will explain direct mail guidelines and methods.
Direct mail is an often over-looked method that can be very effective if executed properly. There are three guidelines to follow when conducting an effective direct mail campaign: ... full article
Added: August 18, 2005
Article rating: 3.07 (of 5) - 67 votes

Hook Your Direct Mail Sales Letter Readers With Good Transition Sentences

Anglers in Maine catch trout using dry flies with barbless hooks. Unless they keep tension on the line all the way to the net, they lose the trout. Your sales letters must do the same. But how?

One secret to keeping busy business readers hooked is to use irresistible transition sentences. Transition sentences come at the end of one paragraph and the beginning of the next. Good transition sentences leave your readers hanging in a number of ways. ... full article
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