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Added: July 18, 2005
Article rating: 2.95 (of 5) - 83 votes

Making a Hit with Your Marketing Campaign

Considered a vital link in a show's promotional plan, direct marketing is vital only if it's done right. It's certainly not as simple as typing a letter, adding an address and stamp, and popping it in the mail. Direct marketing specialist Debbie Bermont, president of San Diego-based Source Communications, offers her golden rules for creating that vital, highly successful direct marketing campaign.
There are some key golden rules to making your direct mailings work effectively. That doesn't mean that you have to spend more money in order to succeed. Far from it. In fact, you could find yourself spending less -- or at least spending more strategically -- than you may be doing at present. Here's how: ... full article
Added: July 5, 2005
Article rating: 2.98 (of 5) - 88 votes

The 4-Step Formula for Writing Sales Letters That Get Results

There is a simple 4-step formula that will help you create clear, more powerful sales letters that get results. Most sales letters forget to involve the reader and drone on and on about how great the company is, forgetting to talk about the benefits to the reader. ... full article
Added: July 5, 2005
Article rating: 3.11 (of 5) - 122 votes

21 Sales Letter Tactics

1. Write as if you had 5 minutes to stand face to face and sell your product or service to the customer.
2. Write down all issues important to your market.
3. Avoid anything that would offend anybody like specific religious reference or curse words.
... full article
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