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Added: June 14, 2006
Article rating: 4 (of 5) - 8 votes

20 Tricks To Help Get That Envelope Opened

[ by DeAnna Spencer ]
When your envelopes aren't opened, you can't make money! Before you can get an order, the recipient of your mailing package must first open the envelope. Unfortunately, many recipients of direct mail simply discard the material without opening the envelope.

Because of the high costs of printing, envelopes, and postage, your mailing package represents a sizable investment. You simply can't afford to make this investment, and then have your sales material discarded in unopened envelopes.

With the following methods, you will have a substantial reduction in the number of unopened envelopes and a pleasantly profitable increase in sales.

1. If your envelope looks like junk mail, it will be treated like junk mail (in other words, thrown in the trash without being opened). The solution is simple - don't mail your material in envelopes that look like junk mail.

2. Avoid using mailing labels, because they make your envelopes look like junk mail.

3. Try to use your computer to address envelopes.

4. If you must use labels, then use colored labels.

5. Use colored envelopes.

6. Use first class postage and print FIRST CLASS in several places on the envelope. An inexpensive rubber stamp, with red ink, makes an "official" looking impression.

7. Do not rubber stamp the return address on your envelopes. This looks extremely unprofessional.

8. Pay a print shop to print your return address on your outgoing envelopes. This isn't expensive, and it creates a more professional image.

9. Use a colored font to address envelopes.

10. Print or rubber stamp a short message on your envelopes.

11. This is a very effective with material that is mailed to persons who inquire in response to magazine ads. For example, we advertise a Free Mailing List Dealership. When we receive inquiries about our dealership, we rubber stamp this message on all outgoing envelopes - "You requested this FREE Dealership".

12. Commemorative stamps are more attractive than standard issue stamps, and they are the same price. Use them. That's an easy way to get your envelopes opened.

13. Use marking pens to draw designs on your envelopes, even a series of straight lines, in a variety of colors, will draw attention.

14. You can buy paste-on dots, stars, smiley faces, and so forth, from an office supply store. Place these on your envelopes.

15. Large mail order companies occasionally place some type of solid object inside their envelopes. For example, specialty advertising companies use inexpensive pencils, pens, plastic pocket calendars, etc. You can also use this idea. For best results, try to tie the object in to your offer.

16. Tape a penny to your sales letter. Then, in the sales letter, offer to give your prospective customer a discount -perhaps $5 or $10 - in exchange for the penny.

17. Use envelopes with windows.

18. With window envelopes, the recipient's address must be inside the envelope and placed so it shows through the window.
Take advantage of this. Place the address on some type of Cash Coupon that looks like a check.

19. Use large envelopes, such as 6 1/2 by 9 1/2 inches, or even 9 by 12 inches. This is expensive, but the envelope will be opened.

20. "The more you tell, the more you sell". Use a large envelope and include plenty of sales material. This is very effective with higher price offers.

A few of these methods are a little strange, and a few are more expensive than normal methods, but they will all help to get your envelopes opened and increase your sales.

DeAnna Spencer is a virtual assistant that helps entrepreneurs run a successful business by providing affordable administrative help. She also publishes a blog for small business owners. Visit this
small business resource today.

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Current rating: 4.00 (of 5) - 8 votes
  • Jay Selvey June 19, 2006
    Great article! I was going to use regular envelopes with labels. I sure won't now!
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