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Added: February 27, 2006
Article rating: 3.19 (of 5) - 52 votes

Direct Mail Letter Design Tips For Improved Lead Generation Response

[ by Alan Sharpe ]
Successful sales people dress their best when in front of prospects. And so do successful sales letters. Here are some tested sales letter design and layout tips, some of them from direct mail designer Ted Kikoler, and excerpted from The Lead Generation Handbook by Bob Bly.

1. Resolve what is a lead is and what is not. A lead is not simply anybody who asked questions or a record that you purchase from a management firm.

2. Utilize the finest prospecting or potential media to produce, generate or create leads. A proficient lead producing media or channel will incorporate direct mail, outbound telesales or marketing and your existing web site and

3. Keep away from trade shows and print advertising, especially if the listeners present at the show are not very qualified.

4. Never generate leads more than you require and can reach or accomplish with a targeted or aimed direct answer communication. Lead generation is not comparable to awareness building.

5. Incorporate an offer to inspire the receiver or recipient to reply. Regardless of how wonderful your service or product may be, customers need a bribe or incentive so they can be well motivated to take time out from their schedules to answer back.

6. Execute fast. Often, individuals or customers can not wait. Before generating your initial lead, be certain that you can provide and supply them with the promotion that you offered; be sure to deliver it at least in 24 hours.

7. Use prearranged prerequisite criteria so that leads can be qualified. Inquire straightforward or follow up so you will be able to learn if the lead is prepared for a sales or transaction through phone. Generally, qualification inquiries evaluate and judge the lead's obtainable budget, purchasing power, and period or allotted time for the purchase.

8. Utilize a scoring system to segregate the leads in two groups; those that are set and prepared for a sales representative and those that are not yet ready. You possibly will find leads that are not worth maintaining.

9. Care for leads which are completely set for a deal or sales call. Nurturing is never a solitary or one time correspondence, but a series of interaction or communications patterned to build a dialogue, consciousness and trust. This pattern of interaction must continue in such time that the individual is prepared to talk to a sales agent.

10. Gauge the outcome of your efforts. When you are accustomed to selling your products or services in a one-step procedure or process, you may have to consider the cost per investigation or inquiry, cost for each qualified or accepted lead or the cost to translate a lead.


Alan Sharpe is a business-to-business direct mail copywriter and lead generation specialist who helps business owners and marketing managers attract new clients using direct mail marketing. Sign up for free weekly tips like this at

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Current rating: 3.19 (of 5) - 52 votes
  • David Shoucair March 15, 2006
    "Here are some tested sales letter design and layout tips". Where are they?
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