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Added: July 13, 2006
Article rating: 3.6 (of 5) - 35 votes

Methods Of Generating Real Estate Leads

[ by James Masterson ]
Obtaining leads is the most significant as well as the most difficult facet in the business of real estate.

No lead means no client, which is why realtors commit a substantial amount of allocated time to accumulate contacts and information to establish relationships with probable clients.

Conventional methods

1. Friends and acquaintances.

Talking to your friends regarding their plans in real estate as well as obtaining all of their contact information and asking for recommendations and referrals, can be good start.

2. "In person" contacts.

This approach basically involves going about and knocking on your neighbors' doors. Hang a while, have a little chat, getting to know them and let them get to know you.

3. Networking.

This is the method of finding out prospects from business contacts, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, etc. There are many opportunities that can come from, cocktails, seminars, etc. The significant factor herein, is to find out and establish a lead. Make sure that you have enough business cards as well as brochures to hand out.

4. Cold calling.

This principally entails looking through numerous phone numbers with the intention of letting people know your business and hoping that people will listen and not slam the phone down on you.

5. Direct or Mass mailing.

Here, you send your brochure or sales letter to your prospect mailing list. The strategy here is to make a letter having the customer in mind. Avoid describing your skills, instead focus on their interests or worries and offer them with a probable solution.

Modern methods

1. Emails

You can utilize your email by sending prospects with brochures along with offers of a free e-book, courses or subscribing to your weekly or monthly newsletter.

2. Newsletters.

This is an excellent method of generating and keeping useful leads. Here, your prospects should first subscribe, you know that they are already attracted and interested in your services.

Be sure to devise an informative one, rather than promoting yourself, as when your prospects signed for the newsletter, they expect to receive a newsletter, not a sales message.

3. Website.

A website guarantees you of a twenty four hour prospect connection. Be sure to add in informative facts about yourself, display your listings, provide customer testimonials and tips.

Do's and don'ts when you get a lead:

1. Do contact the client with enthusiasm.

2. Do constantly put yourself in the situation of the client.

3. Don't put your client on hold.

4. Do take action immediately.

Remember, it is not by what method you got the lead but rather what you accomplish the instant you have them.

Discover How To Generate Real Estate Leads Like A Pro

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Current rating: 3.60 (of 5) - 35 votes
  • Jerome A. Lesak CSD August 17, 2006
    It seems realtors are stuck (or feel stuck) in this kind of marketing. Which are all good and correct. It's not like we can run coupons and sale specials like other vendors do. It's definately a different kind of marketing and takes time to work and build. That's probobly why many drop out. Another good point to make about clients. Listen, Listen, Listen. Listen to what they are saying, not what you want to hear.
  • Randey Bloom August 3, 2006
    I always enjoy reading marketing articles by various professionals in the industry. Keep up the great work.
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