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Added: June 14, 2006
Article rating: 1.33 (of 5) - 3 votes

What Is Lead Generation?

[ by Jimmy Sturo ]
Lead Generation is vital to all businesses. All companies try to attract new customers, and this is a kind of lead generation. Lead generation includes anything that a business does to gather a list of new or potential clients and involves a number of techniques used to create interest in potential customers. Some techniques commonly used for lead generation are direct mail, telemarketing, requests for proposals, requests for quotes, referrals, trade show demonstrations, seminars, and advertising.

If done correctly, each of these methods will generate a list of interested potential clients for the business.

Advertising is perhaps the most obvious way to generate leads. People who respond to a company's advertisements often become customers. Requests for proposals involve potential clients asking the business to come up with solutions and price ranges for particular problems or issues the customer may have. For example, if a city asks for a bid on a project from a construction contracting firm, then the contracting firm has generated a lead.

Requests for quotes are similar - for example, car insurance companies offer free rate quotes. When the potential client asks for the quote, they give the insurance company information about themselves that the company can then save for future use. Direct mail is when a business sends out fliers or brochures to a large number of people in the hope of attaining new customers.

When a business has employees make cold calls to a list of people, they are telemarketing. The business hopes that some people will listen to the callers and become interested in the business. Trade show demonstrations and seminars are designed to appeal to people who are already interested in the business's product.

The business always tries to present itself as better than its competitors. Referrals are common in many types of business. Some firms use personal information to make lists of potential customers to be sold to interested businesses.

Generating leads is a vital part of any sales related operation. Without knowing who may be interested in their products, companies would have no idea how to generate revenue and would have to rely solely on repeat business from existing customers.

Lead Generation provides detailed information about sales, mortage, MLM, business-to-business, internet, and insurance lead generation, lead generation telemarketing, and more. Lead Generation is the sister site of MLMWeb.

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