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Added: October 11, 2006
Article rating: 2.9 (of 5) - 10 votes

Does Your Sales Letter Make Sense?

The Internet marketing gurus have pronounced the traditional sales letter dead, buried it, held a wake and crowned its successor. The new generation of sales letter is long and detailed and contains personal anecdotes. For the potential customer this is good: they can learn what a program is about without submitting their email address to a complete stranger. For the Internet marketer it is good because it is a new challenge and a challenge is always good for stirring up fresh ideas. For some Internet marketers it is bad because they don't have the ability to write a good sales letter. If you are in the latter group, don't despair, you have options. Here are three to consider: (1) hire a professional to write the sales letter for you, (2) borrow someone else's sales letter and just change a few details around or (3) buy expensive software to do the writing for you. ... full article
Added: September 19, 2006
Article rating: n/a (of 5) - 0 votes

Real Estate Agents: Niche Marketing Versus Farming

Ask yourself this question: "Before you were in real estate sales, how many of those flyers, newsletters, recipe cards, and even calendars that you received from an real estate agent "farming" your household went straight into your wastebasket?" Studies indicate that return on direct mail advertising is somewhere below two percent. Wouldn’t it make more sense to direct all that time, energy, and money formerly spent on developing a geographic farm into building relationships or a niche with potential clients? Now ask yourself: "How many other agents in your community are also marketing to the same geographical farm that you do?"
... full article
Added: September 19, 2006
Article rating: 3.54 (of 5) - 35 votes

Real Estate Marketing Slogans; A Brand Of One

Real Estate Marketing slogans arouses interest in your audience and can be the vehicle that helps establish your "name brand" and invigorate your real estate career.

A good, well crafted slogan can propel your business in quantum leaps, while a poorly considered one can be as effective as none at all. Real estate marketing slogans can work equally well online and offline, but they must be good enough to appeal to mass, targeted audiences. ... full article
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