10. Ask
We so seldom remember sometimes all that's needed is to convey our need - more business. Don't be bashful or shamed because you are asking for business. Ask and you shall receive. If asking catches your tongue, write up a script or two ahead of time and you'll do fine.
11. Prospect Letters
Have an arsenal of prospecting letters you regularly send out. For example, if you notice a business acquaintance has changed jobs, send him a letter and offer to sit down and share some of your knowledge about his new territory. Or, mail a prospecting letter to your key centers of influence asking for referrals. But remember, if you don't follow up with a personal phone call the prospecting letter will be less effective.
12. Word of Mouth
Learn how to work into casual conversations that you have just finished working with a couple of key clients and now have room in your schedule for a few more. Even better, spell out who an ideal client is. Let your peers know you'd like additional business and in exchange you will be mindful to send business their way as well when you can (get in the habit of referring).
13. Offer 5 FREE Consultations
By this I mean call up 5 prospects and offer to sit down with them over a cup of coffee and talk about their current and future real estate needs, no strings attached. Give a suggestion or two towards the end and then walk away without asking for business. The key is to follow-up, ask how it's going and oh by the way, can I be of service to you? This works like magic.
14. Write a Book
Nothing will position you as an expert faster then writing a book - you will have instant celebrity status. If writing isn't your thing, record it and have your assistant transcribe and edit it.
15. Join a Tips group
Join an existing group such as LeTip (www.LeTip.com) or BNI (www.BNI.com) and get ready to have more business. The format of these groups is to have weekly breakfast meetings and share referral possibilities with each other. Better yet, form your own referral group and share clients.
16. Serve on an Association Board
Volunteer your time to associations and organizations that apply to your specialty, for example, ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers). Offer to head up a committee or help another committee chair. Work your way up to being a board member. This gets you exposure, involvement and expertise.
17. Create a Resource List
Create a listing of valuable resources and share them with your prospects. Executives are so busy these days they will welcome any help you can provide. It will save them hours of research time and they will be grateful to you. It's easier to give business to someone who has been helpful in the past. Plus, it shows you are resource-rich, always a plus.
18. Lastly, Be Professional
Show up on time, do what you say you're going to do and do it with excellence.
Cindy Saxman Spivack, Founder and President of Business Coaching Gym, Inc. and Commercial Real Estate Success, teaches Commercial Real Estate Professionals 7 Key Strategies for building an enormously successful commercial real estate business in 12 months or less. For free how-to-articles and powerful lead generation and time management tips go to Cindy's website at http://www.commercialREsuccess.com or email her at cindy@businesscoachinggym.com