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Added: July 13, 2006
Article rating: 3.9 (of 5) - 29 votes

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: How To Attract Your Ideal Client

[ by Maya Bailey, Ph. D. ]
Wouldn't it be nice to know that you had the power to attract only those clients that you really love to work with?

Imagine the joy and satisfaction you'd feel getting up in the morning knowing that your day would be filled with people you like to be around! What feeling does that give you that you didn't have before?

Steps to Attracting your Ideal Client:

Knowing who's right:

Have you clearly defined the qualities of your ideal clients? In coaching people for the last 30 years, I have found that most people are fuzzy when it comes to knowing who they really most desire to work with.

To assist you in doing this, think back at some wonderful people you had the pleasure of doing business with. What did you like about them?

Most of my real estate agent clients and coaching clients report the same qualities: someone who is positive, committed, motivated, educated, responsible and just a joy to be around. How good are you at attracting these clients?

Avoiding who's wrong:

How do you know who is the wrong client for you? Just start by listening to your body. Your body always tells the truth. Do you feel relaxed around this person or tense? How is your breathing?

If you tend to hold your breath around this person, your body is telling you to beware. If you want to avoid contacting this person, even thought it's essential, again you're being given a signal.

Get in front of your ideal clients:

Once you know the characteristics of who you want to work with, find ways to meet them and connect with them. Where do they hang out? Do they go to certain health clubs in your area? Then go to those clubs. Do they belong to certain community service organizations? Join them.

Remember, before people will do business with you, they need to KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you. So follow your basic word of mouth strategies to be in contact with them . Remember they are your target market now, so you need to join the networking organizations they belong to, speak at places where they will be listening, write articles that they will read and form cross referral relationships with other professionals that work with them.

Use the Power of the Law of Attraction:

The Law of Attraction is simple. It basically says to put out the energy that you want to attract back. It's based on the idea that "like attracts like". So guess what? If you want to attract your ideal client, you need to express the qualities that they express.

So, if you're ideal client is positive, motivated, committed, educated and a joy to be around, practice being that. Not only will you have fun in the process, but you'll become a magnet for your ideal clients.

For more information on powerful real estate marketing tips and tools, please visit Maya's website: While you're there,receive an opportunity for a Complimentary "Propel Your Business" Coaching Session by clicking the first button. Click the second button to receive your Free Audio Mentoring Session.

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