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Added: June 6, 2005
Article rating: 3.39 (of 5) - 198 votes

Directionals Move Properties

One of the most effective and frequently overlooked methods of filling or selling a property is the use of directional arrow signs. I'm guilty of it myself, although usually I'm merely lazy instead of overlooking this great marketing technique. Being lazy usually costs me in terms of holding costs, especially if you happen to be in a buyer's market as I currently am. Even if you're in a hot market where everything is moving quickly, directionals will move your property that much quicker.
Yes, there are numerous other methods you can use such as: flyers in the neighborhood and large stores and shopping malls, ads in the large and small papers, listings on the internet, listing with a real estate agent, calling real estate agents to inform them, mailouts to apartment complexes, yard signs with flyer boxes, open houses, calling loan officers, emailing your buyer list, etc., etc. (I have one friend use advertises her properties on the cable preview channel and she says it works great. Unfortunately, that option isn't available in my area.) ... full article
Added: April 21, 2005
Article rating: 2.9 (of 5) - 78 votes

Take Your Radio Ads to the Next Level

Most small businesses do not have a high powered advertising agency to produce award-winning radio commercials for them. Most award-winning radio commercials win for the wrong reasons anyway.

Radio commercials should sell the benefits (not features)of your business/product and should be on the same page with print, TV and billboard. A major problem in business advertising today is the lack of coordination of a campaign where all media are targeting the same message. The newspaper ad says one thing and the radio commercial doesn't seem to fit anywhere. Wasted money. Hit ‘em with the same message across the board and you increase your reach. ... full article
Added: September 11, 2004
Article rating: 2.97 (of 5) - 429 votes

Real Estate Brochures, Fliers and All That Stuff

Marketing collateral is a term used for printed materials used to present information about your real estate professional services. It can include brochures, fliers, fact sheets, direct mail pieces, and other communications pieces. All of your printed pieces should be in tune with your overall marketing message and company image.
When planning the production of real estate marketing collateral, special consideration should be given to the following elements: ... full article
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