RealEstate Web Design  

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Added: February 24, 2004
Article rating: 3.26 (of 5) - 310 votes

How to Build Traffic to YOUR Web Site

One of the questions that we are most frequently asked as a Real Estate Agent Web Presence provider is "How do I build traffic on my Web site?" That's what this article is about, or almost about. The real question isn't how do you build traffic on your site, but how do you get more of the people you want to visit your site to do that very thing. It isn't traffic you want necessarily, it's good, qualified traffic. ... full article
Added: January 27, 2004
Article rating: 3.23 (of 5) - 433 votes

Your domain name

Your domain name is imperative to the success of your website, if anyone tells you otherwise they are either lying or don't know what they are talking about. You need a domain name if you are serious as an online entity, it is where you will direct all your potential customers to. For them to become customers you have to make a good first impression, and having your own domain name rather than some free geocities address that's long and cumbersome will enable you to do this. ... full article
Added: January 27, 2004
Article rating: 2.99 (of 5) - 373 votes

Reciprocal Links - How important are they

In my opinion reciprocal links are second only to search engines as a way to get traffic to ones site. Reciprocal links are links with other sites, which are generally related to the theme of your website. The concept is simple you link to site, and that sites webmaster returns the favour and links back to your site. For some reason or another you always receive a lot more traffic from sites, then you give out. ... full article
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