2. Paid banners
There are Banner Ad Networks who can help manage large scale banner ads campaigns. They also offer very sophisticated tracking tools that give you lots of valuable information about who is visiting your site, and what actions they are taking.
Some of the popular banner ads networks include:
Engage Media
Microsoft bCentral's LinkExchange Banner Network
And especially for Real Estate Real Estate Banner Network
It's no big secret that banner ads have become less effective than text links over the years. This phenomenon is called "banner blindness". Banners were so ubiquitous in the early years of the Internet that users simply began to ignore them.
Still, they are not useless and for a little time and money, the efforts might be worth it. There are several things that you can do to make your banner campaigns more effective. First of all, ensure that each of your banners is pleasant to look at and blends in well with the web page it's displayed on. Match up the design and color scheme with those of the site.
3. Press releases
A press release is the best method of increasing your ranking by linkage.
If you have news that you feel worth telling, submit a press release about it. While you'll probably want to manually submit your site to the key online publishers, services such as PRWeb exist to submit your press release to a large audience at a very reasonable price.
Press releases are one of the few documents that can be submitted one time to one location, but be considered for publication in millions of other locations. Press releases submitted to a quality News Distribution service are routinely reviewed by a group of journalists and then, journalists from all the forms of media consider use of press releases in their publication. It is probable that a press release of significance will get selected by numerous journalists for inclusion in their publication or media as a press release, as well as used for a subsequent news feature. Once a press release is published by any of the news media, it is archived in a searchable database.
A few tips:
· Write well. It is important to have an engaging and informative content.
· A press release is not a sales brochure, it's an article telling the world some newsworthy event that had or will occur.
· A press release should start strong with an informative title, followed by an equally strong first paragraph. The first paragraph should contain answers to Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Subsequent paragraphs should be used for interview quotes and or supportive content. Do not forget to include your personal data and your contact info
4. Paid advertising on local websites and e-zines
The quickest, cheapest, and most effective type of paid online ads is placing Sponsorships or Solo Ads in Ezines. General high-traffic sites such as local online newspapers and industry guide sites often offer cost-effective paid banner ad options.