All search engines use title tags to gather information about your Web site. The words in the title tag are what appear in the clickable link on the search engine results page. Title tags are definitely one of the "big three" as far as the algorithmic weight given to them; they are equally as important as your visible text copy and the links pointing to your pages.
Title tags should contain specific keyword phrases.
Example: As a Los Angeles real estate agent, you would want your site to appear in the search engine results for searches on phrases such as "Los Angeles realtors" and "Houses in Los Angeles". You would need to be even more specific if you prefer to work for people only in the neighborhood you are farming, so in that case use keywords like "Houses in Beverly Hills". This is a key point: if you're only seeking customers or clients in a specific geographical region, your keywords need to reflect that. People looking for a realtor in Beverly Hills may begin their search by simply entering "real estate" in the search engine. However, once they see that their search is returning realtors from all over the world, they'll narrow the search by adding "Beverly Hills" to their search terms. When they do, you want your site to be right there on the first page with new results.
Using this example, let's see some good website titles you might use:
"Anna Jones - Beverly Hills realtor"
"Anna Jones – Homes in Beverly Hills"
"Real Estate in Beverly Hills"
How to: You can set the title of your page using the NetReal Control Panel, after you log in. Press the "Site Builder" tab on the left-side menu, then the "Site identity" link in the expanded submenu. Click on the "Header elements" button to access the "Site Title" form. Change the default title (your name) with your choice and click on the "Change" button to save.
2. MetaTags
MetaTags are hidden codes that can be embedded in the HTML source code of a web page and are searchable by search engines. There are more types of tags, but the most important are: Meta descriptions tags and Meta keywords tags. MetaTags are not visible.
Meta description tags don't actually appear to affect your rankings in the search engines. Still, they are very worthwhile to use because they allow you to control the description of your listing in some engines for some search queries. Your Meta description will show in the search results only if it happens to use the exact phrase that has been queried at the search engine. So use this tag for marketing purposes, i.e., to entice people to click on your link as opposed to the other 10 in the search results.
The meta keyword tag is a way to insert text into an HTML page that is not visible when the page is viewed through a browser. Some search engines read the content of the tag and associate the words within it along with the page's regular body copy. But due to spamming, tag support has been dropped by most of the major engines. Still, if it's there why not use it? Use a thesaurus to find related terms, include misspellings of keywords and optimize for various forms of nouns and verbs, including tenses and plurals.
How to: You can set the MetaTags for your page using the NetReal Control Panel, after you log in. Press the "E-Market Website" tab in the left-side menu, then the "MetaTags" link in the expanded submenu. Fill in the fields and press the "Add/Change" button to save.