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Added: March 2, 2005
Article rating: 3.02 (of 5) - 86 votes

Promoting Your Real Estate Website Part 9– Free Non-reciprocal links

1. Email marketing

There are a number of ways to take advantage of the evergrowing email phenomenon, starting with the promotion of your website. It's a time consuming process but for a small firm, the profit will justify the effort.

·        Promotional emails


Let's say you have a list of prospective clients and you want to let them know you have a website they can use. Write an email presenting your offer and send it to them. We recommend you use personalized emails instead of email software. It's more time consuming, but much more effective. Your emails will have a significant chance to escape the dreaded "spam" tag and you will be able to build up a serious relationship with your prospects.


Tip: Make your email about your clients, not about yourself. Focus on ways to help them solve their problems.

Example: Use "you" instead of  "me" and don't abuse the typical commercial language such as "The Number One Agent". And don't write in ALL CAPS.


·        Newsletters and Greeting Cards


Once you've brought visitors to your website, you need to keep them coming back. Offering a free newsletter and sending greeting cards on important occasions is a very good way to build up interest and trust. People love free information and personal attention.

Compose a well-written newsletter, filled with useful information for your clients. Make it monthly or bi-monthly and you will ensure your prospects do not forget you.

Tip:  Include short, funny sections with jokes and funny stories from your experience.


Important: A newsletter is not a promotion letter, so concentrate on informing your clients and not promoting your website. Well, at least not blatantly. ;)


·        Email signature


You're probably familiar with e-mail signature (or "sig") files – they're the few lines of contact information that many of us put at the bottom of every e-mail we send. Most e-mail software programs allow you to create and use sig files.

Attach a signature to your emails, including your name and personal data (including your phone/fax number) and do not forget to add your URL. Make clear what you do with your company name and a short description.

Tip: Write your URL with the "http://" prefix (e.g. ) to ensure it will translate as a hyperlink on most e-mail programs so all your clients will have to do is to click on it and access your website.



·        People love it when you make information easy to find.

·        When you e-mail people who aren't familiar with your business, your sig file can act as a subtle sales pitch.

·        E-mails are forwarded all the time, so there's a good chance that your contact info will travel further than you've intended.


Try to keep your sig file to a maximum of eight lines. More than that will overwhelm the reader, and it will look silly if your sig files are always longer than your email messages.



·        How do I send these emails?


NetReal offers you a Mailing Wizard, but this feature is only accessible to VIP members. Instead you can use an email client such as Microsoft Outlook.


How to: To access the Mailing Wizard, go to the NetReal Control Panel, after you log in. Press the "My e-Office" tab on the left-side menu, then the "My prospects" link in the expanded submenu. Press on the "Mailing wizard" button to access the feature.

First, you need to select the prospects you want to send an email to. You can do this either by typing the name in the empty field or by selecting a category (buyers, sellers, RE investors, all contacts) and pressing the "Go" button. This action will display a list a contacts on the page. You can deselect a prospect by unchecking the box next to its name.

Compose your email by filling in the "Subject" and the "Message" fields. Next, you can choose to send your message as text only or as HTML. You have the possibility to add an attachment by selecting the item from your uploaded files. Lastly, choose if you want to save the message for later use.

Press the "Send message" button to finish your operation.


2. Articles


Writing articles is a great way of getting inbound links and generating quality traffic. Articles give you the opportunity to control the content on the linking page meaning that you can guarantee that it is totally relevant, it's a one-way link, and it's a link that you'll actually get traffic from. And the best part is it's totally FREE.

Use your expertise to create articles about relevant issues to your clients. Don't forget to include your URL and your data.

Here are a few websites that put up free articles:


3. Other


The sky is the limit really, when considering the vastness of the internet. You can participate in online discussion groups, start up an email group (Yahoo!Groups is a great place), use message boards, newsgroups etc. that cover the same area of expertise and interest as yours.


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