These have been used by various people on the web, I myself have used most of them with this site and my site and many other I have been involved with in the past. Most of them tend to return a 20%-30% success rate, which is pretty good. Here are a couple of general subject lines which you can use.
Article by David Callan -
David is the webmaster of
Visit his site for free internet marketing articles, advice, ebooks, news and lots more.
I saw your site!
Link exchange!
Reciprocal link exchange!
I just visited your [Recipient's URL] website - well done!
Your links page
Please consider [Your URL] for a link exchange!
Want to increase your pagerank?
Increase your link popularity!
I have linked to your [Recipient's URL] site!
Your resources pages
Hi [Recipient's name] - I run [Your URL]...
Link trade proposal for your consideration / review!
Can you send me a description of your site for my links page?
Dear [Recipient's first name here],
I have visited your site and feel that the content about [insert the topic of the web site here] would be of interest to the visitors to my site located at: "[Your URL here]".
I have already placed a link to your site along with a description at [URL of your Links web page here]. I would appreciate if you would place a link back to my site using the following description/graphic:
[Description of your web site here]
[ The URL of a web page which contain graphics for reciprocal linking here]
If you would like the description of your site modified or you have any other cross-promotion ideas let me know.
Best regards,
[Insert your full name here]
[Insert your email signature here]
Dear [Recipient's first name here],
I have a web site, [Your URL here], and have spent a lot of time and effort to ensure my visitors gain the maximum benefit from their visit, and from what I have to offer.
As our web sites are closely related and our products do not compete, I feel the exchanging of links would be a mutually beneficial arrangement. If you are interested in exchanging links, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Best regards,
[Your full name here]
[Your email signature here]
Subject: [Your web site name]
Dear [Recipient's first name]:
I came across your [Recipient's URL] site recently and thought it was [Include your opinion]. I particularly liked your [Include feature you were impressed with the most].
I noticed you link to [The Topic of your web site here] resources and thought our web site might be of interest to you and your web site visitors.
[Description of your web site here] - (Be sure to include your web site name, URL, and concise description of your web site. When writing your description, be sure to focus on the
benefits of your web site.)
I wonder if you would be interested in linking to us. If you have any questions about our site, please feel free to contact me directly via e-mail or phone at [Your phone number].
Thank you for your time.
[Your full name], webmaster
[Your URL]
Hello [Recipient's full name here],
I run a site similar to yours, and was wondering if you would like to trade links with me?
You can see my site at [Your URL here]. I would give your site a prominent listing on my page at [The URL of your Links web page here], if you would be willing to do the same.
Thank you for having a great [The topic of your web site here] page, I enjoyed browsing it!
[Your first name here]
[insert your email signature here]
Advertising :
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Dear [Recipient's first name here],
I'm the webmaster of a [ The topic of your web site here] website at [Your URL here]. I've collected quality links to other [The topic of your web site here] resources on the Internet on my links page. I came across your site [Recipient's URL] and feel that it would fit perfectly into these links.
I've already placed a link to your web site along with a description at [The URL of your Links web page here]. I'd appreciate if you'd place a link back to my site using the following link and description:
[Your URL here]
[Description of your web site here]
If you'd like the description of your site modified or if you have any other cross-promotion ideas just drop me a line.
Best regards from [Your town or country name here],
[Your full name here]
[Your email signature here]
Hello [Recipient's full name here],
I visited your site, [Recipient's URL], today, and really like it.
I run a site similar to yours, and was wondering if you would like to trade links with me?
You can see my site at [Your URL here]. I would give your site a prominent listing on my page at [The URL of your links web page here], if you would be willing to do the same.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Best regards,
[Your full name here]
[Your email signature here]