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Added: April 21, 2005
Article rating: 3.74 (of 5) - 263 votes

What the Heck is a Postcard Campaign and Why Do I Need to Do One?

Many people ask me, "What is a postcard campaign, exactly?" "And why do I need one?" As I have been educating my clients one on one for years now, I suddenly had the bright idea that I needed to explain this for more than just one at a time and in further detail. So here goes…

Campaigns for marketing are, in a nutshell, a series of repeat mailings that are strategically planned so that there is maximum benefit (more new customers) for your business. ... full article
Added: April 21, 2005
Article rating: 3.18 (of 5) - 107 votes

Postcards - Picture Perfect Promotion

There is a simple but almost mystical law which governs promotion and marketing and their relationship to the amount of business generated: business will come in to the degree that you get your message out, promote, let people know you are there, advertise, write to people, call people, e-mail people and generally communicate to existing or potential clients.

It isn't a fact that registers easily and it almost takes faith to follow this dictum until you have seen it work over and over in all sorts of different businesses and organizations (as I have). ... full article
Added: April 6, 2005
Article rating: 2.94 (of 5) - 126 votes

Four color postcard printing made easy

Every company is thinking of a better idea how to introduce their company in the market. But because business postcard is widely known for its capability to capture the interest and to gain more clientele, every single creative style of business card is maximized. Thus, giving us problems in creating our own style of cards that tailors the business prospective. ... full article
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