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Added: February 5, 2005
Article rating: 3.51 (of 5) - 950 votes

7 Tips for a Successful Postcard Marketing Campaign

[ by Bob Leduc ]
Simple low-cost postcards have become a valuable business tool for modern marketers. They can produce a surge of traffic to your web site or a flood of high-quality sales leads.
The following 7 tips will help you get the maximum response from your postcard marketing campaign at the lowest cost.

Tip 1: Focus on the Mailing List

Make sure your postcards go to prospects likely to be  interested in your offer ...and who also have a proven history of acting on offers that interest them.


For example, send them to customers of non-competing businesses that sell to your targeted market, subscribers to publications read by prospects in your targeted market or to prospects who previously requested information about products or services similar to those you offer.


You can get all of these lists from most mailing list brokers.


Tip 2: Be a Friend

 Set up your postcard to look at first glance like a message from a friend instead of like a magazine ad printed on a postcard. It will boost the number of replies you get.


A postcard that looks like a friendly message produces a pleasant emotional reaction from readers instead of the harsh emotional reaction most people have to advertising.


Tip 3: Ditch the Sales Pitch

Don't try to close sales directly from your postcard. You don't have enough space to provide all the information most prospects need to make a buying decision. Instead, use your postcard to generate sales inquiries.


Begin your postcard by briefly stating the major benefit(s) you offer. Then use the remainder of your postcard to motivate readers to get more information from a source where you can close sales ...such as at your web site or from a phone number they can call.


Tip 4: Get Right to the Point

Postcards are delivered "ready to read". Take advantage of this. Get right to the point to capture the reader's attention immediately. This makes it difficult for prospects to avoid reading your postcard - especially if your entire message is brief and easy to read.


Tip 5: Go First Class

 Send your postcards by First Class Mail. It costs only 23 cents in the US if make them at least 3 1/2 by 5 inches but not over 4 1/4 by 6 inches.


This gives you all the benefits of First Class Mail for just a few cents more than Standard Mail ("bulk rate mail")

...and it produces a lot more replies.


Tip 6: Watch Your Timing

 Send your postcards so they arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday. The volume of mail delivered in the US on those days is usually light and your postcards won't have to compete with a lot of other mail delivered at the same time.


Try to avoid having your postcards delivered on Monday. It's usually the biggest mail delivery day of the week and a very busy day for most people.


Tip 7: Economize on Designing and Printing

 Don't spend a lot to design and print your postcards. Using an elegant layout with colorful graphics can be expensive and it rarely improves your reply rate - unless you are  selling those services.


Simple postcards designed to look like a message from a friend can be printed on your own computer for only 1 or 2 cents per card ...or you can have a commercial printer do

the job for as little as 4 to 7 cents per card.


The next time you want to drive a surge of traffic to your web site or generate a flood of new sales leads - send postcards. And be sure to follow the 7 tips revealed in this article to get the maximum response to your postcards for the lowest cost.


Bob Leduc spent 20 years helping businesses find new customers and increase sales. You'll find his low-cost marketing methods at: or call: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV

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Current rating: 3.51 (of 5) - 950 votes
  • Tom April 8, 2007
    Seven tips for a successful postcard marketing campaign hit home with me. What I would really like, though is to see an example of what you consider a properly designed postcard. Thank you.
  • Elvie January 29, 2007
    Thanks for the tips. I am sure these tips will help me in my current mailings. Elvie
  • chris January 11, 2007
    i believe postage for a postcard is 24 cents, not 23 as stated.
  • Laura September 7, 2006
    good article
  • G. Deatrick July 26, 2006
    Thanks for suggestions that get to the meat of the matter - no platitudes - just clear cut ideas.
  • Alex NJ April 7, 2006
    Thanks for the tips, I finally got to postcard marketing and this article will save me lots of time and effort. Please keep it up
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