Nevertheless, for those who have realized the power it carries, a postcard is one of the most effective and direct means of getting your message across - whether it is to announce a new grand sale of the season, information about your internet presence, details about a particular issue that needs to drum up public awareness or just a message of any kind.
A postcard, as defined in postal terminology, is a typically rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended for writing and mailing without the need for an envelope and at a lower rate than a regular letter.
While postcards are generally issued by post offices, they can also be printed by private companies, individuals or even large organizations provided they adhere to the physical specifications and other guidelines laid down by the postal department.
The collecting and study of postcards is termed deltiology.
Custom postcards can be printed using a traditional offset press, using film. To make its presence felt a postcard must necessarily have a striking and colorful image.
Compared to most other media of advertising, postcards are easily produced and the biggest advantage they have in their favor is that they cannot be thrown away or discarded without a glance, as is the case with messages sent in envelopes.
A postcard offers maximum visibility and this value is enhanced by the kind of artistic approach you adopt to make it as aesthetically appealing as possible. The combination of art and postcards is called mail art.
A marketing study indicates that the use of postcards to spread information and advertise products is most useful for self-employed individuals, small and mid-size business entrepreneurs, traditional corporations and institutions that need to reach out on a large scale as for example, a group promoting vegetarianism or an organization fighting to save whale.
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