1) Use It As A Sales Letter
When you have a special offer in mind - AND a list of specific clients who will appreciate a nudge for unique opportunities - then send your announcement through a postcard rather than a fax, letter, or email.
Postcards are easy to read, instantly giving your prospects all the information they need in one quick glance.
Plus - when designed attractively enough - they stand a much better chance of being kept on as bookmarks and keepsakes, compared to the more disposable paper faxes and email print outs.
2) Use It For Your Press Release
Do you want your press release to stand out from the flood of faxes and emails that media people often face in front of their desks?
Then send them your news release teaser and photo on a brightly colored postcard...
...Just make sure they can easily contact you once they perk up and take notice.
3) Turn It Into A Newsletter
This may be a bit more expensive to maintain than an online mailing list, but with everyone now getting at least 5 ezines in their inbox everyday, it could come as a relief (and a welcome surprise) to have a newsletter coming in through the mailbox for a change.
Postcard newsletters are especially effective for keeping in touch with clients who've already made actual purchases from your company.
Besides the fact that they are more likely to respond to marketing messages from you, you can also work in the cost of postcard marketing into any subscriptions/purchases they make, making your campaign profitable AND economical as well.
So what kind of articles / information can you cram into a regular postcard-sized mailing?
Recipes / Activities
Whether it's for cooking, crafts, or some other hobby, step-by-step instructions for a new and creative activity will appeal to anyone aged 3 to 93, especially if it targets their specific interests.
This kind of newsletter becomes particularly profitable when your company sells most of the materials needed for each activity - you can package each set of materials into a complete do-it-yourself kit, ready for ordering through the web, fax, or phone!
Tips & Ideas
Useful for any business that provides a service, the "tips and ideas" newsletter serves you best by making you more dependable and approachable to clients - the two qualities that will inspire their loyalty to your company and YOU.
Inspirational Stories
Turn client testimonials and experiences into inspiring stories, and you will have the kind of content that makes people feel positive about doing business with you.
Send out this content in the form of convenient-to-read postcards - and more likely than not, your recipients will be sharing their mail with other people, too!
4) Make It Your Brochure
Who says postcards are only supposed to have 2 sides?
If you print your company information on card stock that's double the regular postcard size, you can fold it in the middle and - voila! - you get an instant 4-panel brochure to carry around or send through the mail.
On the other hand, there is no hard-and-fast rule that says effective brochures have to be multi-paneled, either. A 4 by 6 inch postcard can carry 2 medium sized images, prominent recipient and return addresses, plus 325 words in 10 point Arial font -- which may be more than enough to invite new clients to try out your service.
5) Send A Series As A Mini Course
Taking off from the idea behind successful correspondence courses and schools, you can offer to teach a special skill / expertise through a series of postcard-sized modules - otherwise known as the postcard mini-course.
Whether you're sending them as a free service or as a purchasable product by itself, the postcard mini-course appeals to busy "students" who can't make time for longer instructional materials, but are attracted to the idea that they can still improve themselves on a regular basis.
(Which practically describes most busy business owners and internet marketers. :-) )
6) Design Them As Tickets or Coupons
We've already seen theater and concert tickets designed in the size of a regular postcard; maybe we've even kept them as souvenirs because we just couldn't bear to throw them out.
We can use this same "special event" appeal when we send postcards designed as tickets or coupons to our most valuable clients, offering them unique discounts or inviting them to an "online event."
Even after your sale/event is over and done with, chances are they'll still keep your postcard close, reminding them of you & your services for many months to come.
7) Finally - Why Not Turn Postcards Into A Marketing Kit?
One graphic arts company did just that: they designed their entire marketing message using high-impact inspirational quotes on a set of 7 postcards, then bound the cards in ribbon before presenting to prospective clients.
On one side of each card they showcased the inspiring quote, then inserted a small statement underneath about how the quote describes their company.
On the other side of the card they used the same inspiring message as a jump-off point to discuss one of their specific abilities / achievements, ending always with their full contact information.
Each quote was powerful enough to encourage clients to display the cards on their company bulletin boards - and their strategy practically made their marketing kit as welcome to their prospects as valuable gifts.
Whether you've used postcards before or are just about to try and see how they'll affect your sales, remember that any marketing strategy can only be enhanced by your own creativity.
So jumpstart your imagination and add your own ideas into postcard promotion -- and all your efforts are sure to get that winning edge!
Tatiana is the publisher of: www.TheFortunesEzine.com, the FortunesEzineWeekly at www.TakeYourFortune.com, and owner of the traffic-solution slam advertising sites www.Guaranteed-Hits.com and www.Guaranteed-Hits.net