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Added: January 5, 2005
Article rating: 3.22 (of 5) - 198 votes

Nine Things Everyone Should Know about Ordering an Inkjet Cartridge Online

It is true. You can save a lot of time and money by ordering your next inkjet cartridge online.
Today, there are many reputable online printer ink merchants. They sell quality ink cartridges at huge savings. However, before you place an order, there are at least ten very important things you should know about ordering online.

As the old saying goes, "An ounce of education is worth a pound of cure." When you order online correctly, you'll reap huge savings in both time and money. If you order from the wrong online company, your headache could turn into a migraine. Here's the list... nine things you should know about ordering your inkjet cartridges online:
... full article
Added: December 20, 2004
Article rating: 3.47 (of 5) - 369 votes

What Everybody Should Know about an Inkjet Printer: The One-Year Cost of Printing

You can purchase an inkjet printer for as little as $39. With a rebate, it may even be less. Not many people would argue about the good deal they got when they purchased their printer. However, the purchase price of an inkjet printer really doesn't tell you much about your cost of printing. After all, you do need paper and inkjet cartridges to keep your printer printing. If you go to a local car lot and look at the sticker price of a car, you'd see some of the following items: the base price of the car, the cost for each additional feature or package, the number of miles per gallon for both city and road, and the cost of gasoline for one year under normal driving conditions.
What if you got this same type of information for your printer? Would you still buy the same inkjet printer? How would you feel if you knew you would pay more for gas and oil, in the first year you owned your car, than you paid for the car?
Well the fact is, unless you do very little printing, you will pay more for your paper and inkjet cartridges in the first year than you will pay for your inkjet printer. This is especially true for the low cost inkjet printers. In some cases, the cost of one inkjet cartridge is more than the entire purchase price of an inkjet printer. ... full article
Added: December 19, 2004
Article rating: 3.06 (of 5) - 180 votes

For the same cost, do you want to purchase one or two cartridges?

Buying a new inkjet cartridge has a double meaning… depending upon how much you want to pay. You can purchase a new "brand name ink cartridge" and pay about twice the price you would for a new "compatible ink cartridge". Both types of inkjet cartridges will give you the same quality, quantity and performance you've come to expect from your printer. But, be forewarned… the difference in your printer ink budget can be staggering.

Many consumers think they have to purchase a new printer cartridge that was made by the manufacturer of their inkjet printer. They think a compatible ink cartridge will void their warranty. That's not true. By law, a compatible inkjet cartridge will not void your warranty. ... full article
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