The following are proven components that must be incorporated into each and every dynamic sales letter you create:
1. Personalize It
The most important rule of thumb in creating your sales letter is to personalize it. Make it warm and friendly, as if you are speaking to the recipient one-on-one. Make sure you use the prospects name several times throughout the letter to make it even more personal. For the highest level of effectiveness, create your sales letter using the merge mail feature of your word processing software. This feature allows you to create the letter entering blank fields where personal information will later be merged together from a separate database. You can utilize the same letter for hundreds or thousands of clients, personalizing each one. Create an atmosphere in your letter that leads the reader to assume he/she is the only one receiving the letter. This basic tactic will assist you in building trust and rapport with each client, as well as lead the prospect to believe that he/she must take action.
Sales letters can prove much more effective than the most dynamic brochure or flyer you pay hundreds of dollars to have designed and printed. Why? Brochures and flyers tend to send out a message that they are geared toward a massive group. An effectively written, dynamic sales letter creates an air of personalization that makes the reader feel that he/she is being singled out as the sole audience. It shows that you have taken a personal interest in that specific individual to whom it is addressed. While brochures and flyers are received as cold, massive marketing materials, sales letters can shed a different light on the way your prospective clients view you.
2. Make It Interesting
Length is often a major concern of the writer. In most of our marketing lessons, we are taught that less is more. However, in compiling a highly effective sales letter we take exception to the rule. The longer, the better . . . that is if you have the gift of gab! People will take the time to read long sales letters if the content is dynamic and interesting enough to hold their attention. While the letter is long, keep the paragraphs short so that you do not lose the reader. If they letter is boring, dull, and full of long, lifeless paragraphs, people will not read it. Thus, creating this powerful marketing tool is an art within itself.
3. Don't Sweat the Grammar
One comforting rule in writing the sales letter is that you are free to be lax with the grammar rules. You should exercise caution in spelling and certain grammatical elements; however, it is common to see dangling participles and sentences ending with prepositions, as well as partial phrases joined by leaders and hyphens. The sales letter is an opportunity for the writer to become creative, grab the readers attention, and captivate him through the P.S. of the letter.
4. Include Testimonials and Success Stories
Testimonials and success stories are excellent elements for cementing your reputation. Use them where they fit in best. People like to see what you have done for others and how others have benefited from your products and services. Testimonials promote encouragement to others who might be on the verge of buying but may be just a tiny bit skeptical of doing so. These positive remarks can provide an extra nudge to get them to act immediately.
5. Convince Them They Need and Must Have What You are Offering
Getting the readers attention will be futile if you fail to convince the reader why he/she needs what you have to offer. People are motivated by fundamentals such as guilt, beauty, health, etc. those things which motivate them to feel they have all the symptoms of what you are offering is sure to cure. You can certainly capture their attention by introducing them to what you are selling, but you must hold on to them by convincing them of why they need and must have what you are selling.
6. Extend an Invitation for a Special Offer if They Act Immediately
Always extend an invitation to the reader to take advantage of a special offer or discount if he/she acts immediately! It is human for us to procrastinate. By making an offer the reader cannot refuse, it will reduce the chances for procrastination. Phrases such as, Offer expires in 30 days or Save 25% by acting within 10 days send a message to the reader that he/she must act now! If possible, give away something free with the initial purchase. On many occasions, the individual who may otherwise not order will act upon a free offer!
7. Ensure the Prospect Your Products and/or Services are Guaranteed
If at all possible, let the prospective client know that if he/she is not satisfied a full or partial refund, replacement, or some remedy is available. This will also help ensure that you are for real and that you actually believe in what you are selling.
8. Extend Payment Options and Clarify Ordering Instructions
Be sure to accommodate your prospective clients by extending payment options and clarifying ordering instructions. If the prospective client has to search through your materials to find out how to order, he/she is less likely to follow through with the order.
Now, it is time to begin developing your own dynamic sales letter! Try it out for yourself and see what you can do. If you are skeptical of your own abilities, start out slow and develop a test market for your initial letter comprised of a few friends and fellow entrepreneurs who are willing to critique your letter and offer suggestions. Do not give up! Keep on revising and developing your letter until you have created a dynamic and effective sales tool that will achieve results again and again!
Copyright 1999, Rozey Gean, All Rights Reserved
Rozey Gean is the founder of the website where ezine publishers and writers are brought together in an easy-to-use, friendly interface. Email -