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Pricing: contact company | Current Version: 4.04 | Year Release:1995

RMS is an expense tracking and gross-up software package. It is designed to incorporate a variety of relocation expense types and calculations through a flexible and easy-to-use design.

RMS features include:
• Tax return calculation for federal and state
• User-definable [...]
Pricing: $395 and up | Current Version: 5.0 | Year Release:1980

RPM is an old time favorite of many property management companies. Recently RPM was upgraded to a Windows environment while keeping the simplistic appeal to many of its users. It includes a full accounting package, database tools to keep track of tenants, owners and units and many userful reports. Free [...]
Pricing: varies | Current Version: 2004.082 | Year Release:1985

Sales Trust is a complete Trust Accounting solution for offices that only deal in sales, or that keep their rentals and sales in separate trust accounts. [...]

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