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Pricing: $247 | Current Version: 11 | Year Release:1991

Stop struggling with your trust accounts. This stand-alone Windows program helps you easily manage all your trust accounting activities. Ideal for real estate offices and attorneys, it handles up to nine different checking accounts for trust funds.

The program maintains individual accounts, [...]
Pricing: $98.50 | Current Version: 3 | Year Release:2002

TrustBoss 2000W is a trust account management program. It records data for both funds
temporarily held and funds deposited in the bank trust account. For bank trust accounts,
it uses “beginning” and “end” dates to display or print account histories and balances for the composite, beneficiary [...]
Pricing: $2,495-$9,995 | Current Version: 15.00 | Year Release:2004

Real estate accounting and sales management.
United Data Systems' real estate module manages sales associate accounting records as well as their production records. The module includes management reports showing sales trend information for in-house transactions.

Key benefits:


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