Price: $400 - $12000 |
Upgrade: $600 |
Copies sold: 0 - 49
Current version: 1.1 |
Year released: 2005 |
Year updated: 2005
Documentation: on disk
Description: Halosys Real Estate Software Component System is a comprehensive set of software components and tools specially meant to cater to the real estate industry.
These tools can be integrated and customized in a very short time to build a customized application for any organization.
The tools include:
• Accounting components
• Billing Components
• Reporting Systems
• Web interfacing modules
• User management modules
• Defect trackers
• Business Intelligence component
Computer operating systems: Windows NT/2000/XP
Handheld PDA
Web based
Software rating: n/a
Halosys Technologies Inc.
3940 Freedom Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Contact: Avinash Harsh
Phone: 408-200-7468
Year business started: 2005
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