Price: $149 |
Upgrade: free |
Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 1.8.2 |
Year released: 2001 |
Year updated: 2004
Documentation: on disk
Description: Rental Property Tracker Plus is an easy-to-use rental property management tool with which you can:
keep track of all your rental units, tenants, rental income and expenses
organize all your rental activities, tasks, contacts, and even appointments
prepare reports for printing or exporting
generate US and International Tax reports.
International users can set preferences for date and time formats, currency symbol, colors and translate receipts, statements, notices and reports into any language.
Rental Property Tracker Plus runs on and shares data between most computers including Macintosh and Windows operating systems. Free 10-day trial. Updates and technical support are included when you register the software. For screen shots and more information please visit our Web site.
Includes Rental Income Tracker, Expense Tracker, Tenant Tracker, Unit Tracker, Contact Tracker, Task Tracker, Schedule Tracker and the Universal Calculator.
Computer operating systems: Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a
SpiritWorks Software Development
PO Box 685
Carlton, OR 97111
Contact: Garth Catterall-Heart
Phone: 503-852-4444 http://
Year business started: 1999
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