Price: varies |
Upgrade: varies |
Copies sold: 10,000 or more
Current version: 8.x |
Year released: 1971 |
Year updated: 2003
Documentation: printed manual
Description: Timberline Office is created to work the way you work. An integrated family of financial and operations software gives you a cross-functional system to pull everything together for streamlined, single-source control.
Built around accounting and estimating software and backed by more than 30 years of proven dependability and award-winning support, today's full range of applications are able to accommodate the entire building lifecycle, from concept and estimating to construction and management, and knowing when to sell.
Whether you need software to help manage projects, run real-time reports, track costs, produce estimates, forecast cash flow, or evaluate properties, choose a Timberline Office to fit your industry.
Computer operating systems: Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a
600 City Parkway West
Suite 110
Orange, CA 92868
Contact: Lonny Blank
Phone: 714-704-9292
Year business started: 1993
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