Price: $3,100 to $5,300 |
Upgrade: contact company |
Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 8.x |
Year released: 1997 |
Year updated: 2004
Documentation: printed manual
on-line help
Description: Timberline, a Best Software company, provides financial and operations software for the construction and real estate industries.
Founded in 1971, Timberline has installed more than 20,000 systems worldwide. With the Timberline Office: Software for Real Estate Managers, Timberline offers integrated accounting and lease management software for commercial, industrial, retail and residential owners, developers and property managers.
Timberline Office is designed for Microsoft Windows 2000, XP and Windows NT and features a graphical interface, background processing and online help. Its unique lease-based structure lets Timberline Office adapt to any lease arrangement. Several customization features let you fill the software around your business.
Computer operating systems: Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a
Timberline, a Best Software Company
15195 NW Greenbrier Parkway
Beaverton, OR 97006
Contact: Marco Ching
Phone: 800-628-6583
Year business started: 1971
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